
FOI #22-139 (04-13-22, 12:43 pm)


Name: Dawn DiCesare

Affiliation: State of Connecticut, Department of Correction

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: On 9/14/18 approximately between 10 a.m. and 1 p.m., an incident occurred in or near Bullpen, UCHC MSW 5 in Farmington, CT involving former inmate and several DOC staff members. The incident was labeled CSP Case #1800446390. Please provide us a copy of this video or a specific reason why this request is denied.


FOI #22-137 (04-7-22, 10:56 am)

Information on Biological Safety Officer Hiring Process

Name: Alison Pohl

Affiliation: Self

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2022

Request Date End: 04/07/2022

Details: Pursuant to the Freedom of information act, Connecticut General Statutes
Section 1-200 et seq. I hereby request copies of any or all (but not limited to) records:

1) Copies of the Department of Human Resources Candidate Disposition Forms for following current UConn Health employment position, as well as copies of all those for the candidates who were not offered the position. Please include copies of the redacted CDF with regard to all candidates who were interviewed.

2)Copies of the original listings for each position (i.e. Job Opportunity Bulletins) as posted on the online Job openings for the following position:

Biological Safety Officer - UConn Health


FOI #22-113



Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Files related to the individual


FOI #22-098

Merit Forms

Name: Donald Kreutzer

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: I would like to obtain the annual Merit Data forms for the 5 Department of Surgery (UConn SOM) faculty listed below. This request is for the merit data forms for the years 2015-2020 inclusive. These data forms are the documents UConn Health faculty are required to submit to document their activities for the previous year. These documents are submitted to the
Dept heads, in this case, Dr. McFadden, before being sent to our SOM merit committee for evaluation. I do not want any documents related to evaluation of these data forms, just the completed data forms, and any attachments. I have enclosed a copy of my most recent merit data forms (for 2020), as an example of what I am requesting. As you can see in my data form, there is no evaluation in this document, only the data.


FOI #22-097

Space Inventory Reports

Name: Donald Kreutzer

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: What I am looking specifically for is all space inventory reports for Uconn health main building


FOI #22-096

Annual Reports

Name: Donald Kreutzer

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2010

Request Date End: 02/25/2022

Details: I want to make a request for access to the depart of surgery annual report to the dean of medicine related to the accomplishment of the dept of surgery each year


FOI #22-085 (02-22-22, 10:04 am)

FOI Request Office of Compliance, Inves

Name: Thomas O'Neill

Affiliation: Self

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 07/01/2020

Request Date End: 02/22/2022

Details: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes Sections 1-200 et. seq., I hereby request copies of all the following records,
Any and all records, as defined in Section 1-200(5) of the Connecticut General Statutes, including but not limited to any and all letters, correspondence, memoranda, instructions, communications, emails, phone logs, reports or any other document or record, whether electronic or otherwise, by, between, among, produced, maintained or retained by any member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Connecticut, any person or department of the University of Connecticut (both Regular Payroll and Special Payroll), and/or any person who is in any way related to the an investigation which the Office of Compliance conducted regarding Thomas O'Neill.


FOI #22-070 (02-10-22, 10:17 am)

Documents Request

Name: Thomas O'Neill

Affiliation: Self

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 03/23/2017

Request Date End: 06/30/2021

Details: Pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act, Connecticut General Statutes Section 1-200 et. seq., I hereby request copies or access to all of the following records, as defined in Section 1-200(5) of the Connecticut General Statutes, including but not limited to any and all letters, correspondence, memoranda, instructions, communications, reports, phone logs, voicemail transcripts or any other document or record, whether electronic or otherwise, by, between, among, produced, maintained or retained by any member of the Board of Trustees of the University of Connecticut and/or UConn Health Center, any person or department of the University of Connecticut and/or UConn Health Center Related to (redacted as needed to comply with FERPA and HIPPA statutes):

1. Clinical Skills Assessment Program Department with any or all the of the following Words and/or phrases:
Scheduling, Availability, Training, Dress Rehearsals, Backup, confirmed, Departmental meetings, social gatherings, Holiday, Party, Kimberly Hill, Office of Institutional Equity, Office of Compliance, Office of Healthcare Regulatory Compliance, Rikel, Chipman, Conklin, Randall, Krinsky, Sensitive Exam, Training, Dress Rehearsal, Yale, dates to work, Thomas O’Neill, OSCE, Meti-Web, Corpsmen, Coast, Assessments, St. Joseph, St. Vincent, Middlesex Hospital, Griffin Hospital, Hartford Hospital, Rosalinda Pavano-Hunt, APRN. Stacey Fostervold, Diane Stone, Carol Pfeiffer, Human Resources.

2.Office of Compliance and any/all of the following: any or all the following words and/or phrases:
Thomas O’Neill, Kimberly Hill, Gelston, Diane Stone, Rita Jepson, Stacey Fostervold, Clinical Skills, sensitive exams, Lynn Kosowicz, Rikel Lightner,, Bruce Liang Office of Institutional Equity, Human Resources, Jennifer Navarro, Shayla Ryng, Erick Diaz Vasquez, Office of the President, Kimberly Fearney, Jennifer Searfoss.


FOI #22-067 (02-9-22, 10:18 am)

Human Resources Records

Name: Thomas O'Neill

Affiliation: Self

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/11/2011

Request Date End: 09/01/2019

Details: Pursuant to the Freedom of information act, Connecticut General Statutes
Section 1-200 et seq. I hereby request copies of any or all (but not limited to) records:

1) Redacted copies of the Department of Human Resources Candidate Disposition Forms for following current UConn Health employees, as well as redacted copies of all those for the candidates which were not offered their respective appointments. which, upon review, resulted in each individual receiving an offer for their current appointment. Please include copies of the redacted CDF for those who were not considered qualified.

2)Copies of the original listings for each position (i.e. Job Opportunity Bulletins) as posted on the online Job openings for the following appointments:

1.. Stacey Fostervold: Administrative Program Coordinator
2. Rosalinda Pavano-Hunt: Administrative Program Assistant II
3. Diane Stone: Patient Instructor Trainer

Academic Affairs and Education
UConn School of Medicine
Clinical Skills Assessment Program Location: C-G-C
UConn Health Center, Farmington, Connecticut.


FOI #22-010

Police Reports

Name: Matt Rocheleau

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2016

Request Date End: 12/31/2021

Details: Police/incident/arrest reports of thefts and/or missing items at UConn Health Center between Jan. 1, 2016 and Dec. 31, 2021.
