
FOI #22-317


Name: Employee Employee

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2018

Request Date End: 09/06/2022

Details: Emails and other electronic communications between UConn Health and Sodexo. Years 2018-2022 in regard to sexual harassment or sex based harassment.


FOI #22-314 (09-2-22, 1:56 pm)

CMHC MOU, annual reports

Name: Joshua Eaton

Affiliation: Hearst Connecticut Media Group

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2019

Request Date End: 09/02/2022

Details: I request the following records:

-- the current memorandum of understanding (MOU) between UConn Health and the Connecticut Department of Correction for Correctional Managed Health Care, and
-- the three most recent Correctional Managed Health Care annual reports.


FOI #22-286 (08-8-22, 8:42 am)

Jody Tate corespondents

Name: Jody Tate

Affiliation: UConn health center

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 08/05/2019

Request Date End: 08/08/2022

Details: Any correspondence to or from caryl Ryan, Anna hummenji, Liz Grala, Silvia Santos, Lauren Gangaram, Rudy Durham, Robert Oliver, Lucia Orlinski, Alexa Lindeaur OIE, Karen Buffkin, Sarah Chipman OIE, investigations, reports involving Jody Tate from the time period of June 1, 2019 to August 31, 2022.


FOI #22-275 (08-1-22, 2:10 pm)

Courier Express Inc Suspected Vandalisim

Name: Isaac Davis

Affiliation: Courier Express Inc

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 08/01/2022

Request Date End: 08/01/2022

Details: One of our vans was parked outside of the receiving and loading dock on Farmington Campus. It was reported to myself that both rear tires had a flat. Upon looking at the pictures of the tires there appears to be slash and puncture cuts on the tire. We would like to obtain footage of the location from 7:30am to 10:30 am to determine if the vehicle in question was vandalized in any way shape or form. The dates are from 8/1/2022 7:30 am to 10:30 am.


FOI #22-268

Wheelchair Policy

Name: Raymond Cerilli

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Copies of all wheelchair policies.


FOI #22-251

Purchase Orders

Name: Niamh Collett

Affiliation: SciLeads

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 10/05/2021

Request Date End: 07/14/2022

Details: I am interested in receiving purchasing records from University of Connecticut School of Medicine for purchases made from 10/05/21 to present. I work for a company called SciLeads and would like to use the information for commercial purposes.
The information I'm interested in includes:
1. Purchase order number or equivalent
2. Purchase order date
3. Line item details
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor name
7. Delivery Address


FOI #22-247 (07-11-22, 10:41 am)

Acme Expenditure Request - UConn Health

Name: Kristi Upton

Affiliation: Acme Research

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 07/01/2021

Request Date End: 06/30/2022

Details: Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that your office provide us with public spending information, including both capital and operating expenditures, for payments made by or on behalf of The University of Connecticut Health Center during fiscal year 2022. Specifically, for any payee other than a regular employee or student paid a cumulative total amount of more than $5,000, we seek the payee name, address and the cumulative total dollar amount paid to the subject payee over the relevant time period. The $5,000 threshold was established to minimize reporting for respondents. This is the same information that Kayla Postler was kind enough to provide via email for fiscal year 2021.
The information is to be used for research aimed at identifying patterns of spending by public entities. No part of the data will be used as a mailing list and your supplying the information cannot be construed as an endorsement of either your payees or our work.


FOI #22-184 (05-9-22, 6:34 am)

Education Affiliation Agreements

Name: Kimberly Tulloch

Affiliation: Trinity Health Of New England

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: I am seeking copies of two (2) Education Affiliation Agreements:
(1) between the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Hartford Healthcare; and
(2) between the University of Connecticut School of Medicine and Hospital for Special Care.


FOI #22-173 (05-3-22, 5:56 am)

Public Records Request- UCHC4-130591121-EPIC and Clinical Systems Temporary IT Support

Name: Abhilash Mishra


Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 05/03/2022

Request Date End: 05/04/2022

Details: We have a request for public records from The University of Connecticut Health Center, CT.

We are contacting you regarding the bid number- UCHC4-130591121, RFP EPIC and Clinical Systems Temporary IT Support for The University of Connecticut Health Center, CT. .

We were wondering if you could please share the following documents with us:

• The Response Proposal submitted by winning vendor(s) (Including Cost Proposal).
• Bid Tabulation and Bid Scoring Sheet.
• What is the annual monetary spent value under this contract.

We believe this bid was due on March 30th 2020.

It would be great if you could please share these documents with us.

We prefer to receive the soft copy version of the documents.

Thank you!


FOI #22-169 (04-29-22, 2:46 pm)

Vendors info required for University of Connecticut Health Center Contract Detail Info For # UCHC4-130591121

Name: Sudesh Verma

Affiliation: Cynet Health Inc.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 04/29/2022

Request Date End: 05/06/2022

Details: We are contacting you in regards to University of Connecticut Health Center
Contract Detail Info For # UCHC4-130591121. We are wondering if you could please share the following documents of Current Vendor(s) (Incumbents).
• Can you please share Technical and Cost Proposal of Current vendor?
• Can you please share Bid Tabulation and Bid Scoring Sheet?
• Can you please share copy of purchase orders issued to all vendors?
• What is the annual monetary spent value of the current contract since inception?
• Can you please share the no. of positions served in previous years under this contract?
• How many resources are currently engaged in the current contract? Please share titles and count?
• Can you please share the amount of business each vendor did under this contract since inception?
We prefer to receive the soft copy version of the documents. Please take into consideration.

Thank You
