
FOI #25-104 (03-13-25, 11:34 am)

Police Report

Name: Kristina Dalao

Affiliation: Self

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 02/26/2025

Request Date End: 03/31/2025

Details: I am requesting the police report and Uconn Police Investigation as well as video surveillance (body cam)with interviewing in the investigation with UConn providers on the case of my brother, Jason Bosco


FOI #25-087 (03-3-25, 10:59 am)

Award documents related to: Debt Collection of Delinquent Patient Accounts UCHC2-183814658

Name: Doc Mirino

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 04/01/2024

Request Date End: 03/03/2025

Details: Regarding the above procurement I would like to request copies of the following documents:

1. A copy of the signed contract(s)
2. A copy of all vendors proposal(s), excluding confidential information.
3. A copy of any documents that show vendors scores and/or ranks during evaluations, including the pricing(percentage rate) submitted by all vendors
4. A list of companies that submitted a proposal and a list of companies that requested the RFP.
5. Any reports over any time period related to contract performance. The most recent month, quarter, or year would be preferred.


FOI #25-083

Employment File

Name: Ryan McKeen

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Copy of Ricky Bishop's employment file.


FOI #25-065

Medical Spending Records from 2016, 2020, 2024

Name: Nakshatra Mohan

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: I am currently working on a research project which analyzes the impact of voter registration initiatives in healthcare institutions on healthcare equality and one of the main factors in my study is whether or not a healthcare institution was provided with voter registration materials from VOT-ER. I plan on quantifying healthcare equality by analyzing healthcare spending costs cross sectionally and longitudinally from such hospitals. Your hospital is included in my study and I would be happy to get any information on healthcare spending data by race from 2016, 2020 and 2024.


FOI #25-058 (02-6-25, 1:53 pm)

FOIA request

Name: Klaudine Bessasparis

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/1900

Request Date End: 02/06/2025

Details: Existing UConn Health Center Campus, 263 Farmington Avenue, Farmington, Hartford County, Connecticut; Portion of Parcel ID: 082-2; Owner: State of Connecticut; Whitestone Project # EM2523007.000
Whitestone Associates Inc. (Whitestone) is conducting a Phase I Environmental Site Assessment at the above-referenced location. Whitestone requests copies of any available files addressing or pertinent to environmental investigations, underground storage tanks (USTs), corrective actions, contaminant releases, incidents, fires, hazardous materials storage, citations, notices of violation, or other areas of concern at the above referenced property.


FOI #25-043

Solicitation # UCHC4-187719802 from UConn Health

Name: Kristen Sellers

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting to obtain information regarding the following record:

o Solicitation # UCHC4-187719802 from UConn Health

I am requesting copies of the following information from the record detailed above:

1. Awarded contract, including any amendments
2. Winning submitted proposal
3. Scoring and evaluation sheets


FOI #25-039 (01-25-25, 11:46 pm)



Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: A copy of the Healthcare Master Agreement between Nuance Communications, Inc. and the University of Connecticut Health Center Finance Corporation on behalf of the University of Connecticut Health Center dated September 30, 2024.


FOI #25-011


Name: Isabelle Verebelyi

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 04/15/2024

Request Date End: 01/08/2025

Details: I am interested in receiving purchasing records from University of Connecticut School of Medicine for purchases made from 07/16/2024 to present. I work for a company called SciLeads and would like to use the information for commercial purposes.

The information I'm interested in includes:
1. Purchase order number or equivalent
2. Purchase order date
3. Line item details
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price
6. Vendor name
7. Delivery Address


FOI #25-009 (01-7-25, 12:59 pm)

Salary information

Name: Adarsh Parthasarathy

Affiliation: MacDonald, Hoague & Bayless

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2020

Request Date End: 01/07/2025

Details: Documents reflecting the total amount of compensation (e.g., salary, bonuses, commissions, deferred compensation, payments in-kind) paid to the individuals holding the following positions in 2023 and 2024 for performing the duties of those positions: (a) the Chair of the Department of Anesthesiology; (b) the Vice Dean of Research/Graduate Research and Education or equivalent in the school of medicine; and (c) the Dean of the School of Medicine.

This request is not made for commercial purposes. I welcome receiving the responsive records electronically. Please let me know as soon as possible what, if any, cost or expense I need to pay to obtain the responsive records so that I can promptly pay it. If you have any questions, please contact me at or 206-694-1609.


FOI #24-585

SmartProcure Public Records Request to University of Connecticut Health Center For PO/Vendor Information

Name: Misty Ruhlman

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut Health Center for any and all purchasing records from 10/6/2023 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.

The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is:

1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address
