FOI #25-067

Public Records

Name: Ilana Linder

Affiliation: Withheld.


Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: REQUEST #1: Provide copies of the records from any Office(s) (and any departments/offices affiliated with such Office(s)) containing information of accusations or
reported violations of the University’s Policies by the Fraternity made or received between the dates of November 15, 2022, and present.
• REQUEST #2: Provide copies of any complaints or reports received by, or currently in the possession of, any Office and/or any affiliated departments/offices, pertaining to the Fraternity made or received between the dates of November 15, 2022, and present.
• REQUEST #3: Provide copies of emails, correspondence, reports, or other documentation made or received by any Office and/or any affiliated departments/offices regarding the Fraternity made or received between the dates of November 15, 2022, and present. This Request includes, but is not limited to, any investigative reports, student/witness interview meeting notes, findings, or conclusions, concerning the Fraternity.
• REQUEST #4: Provide copies of any records regarding any sanctions or potential sanctions of the Fraternity made or received between the dates of November 15, 2022, and present.
• REQUEST #5: Provide copies of all police investigation reports, notes, narratives, conclusions, or findings pertaining to the Fraternity between the dates of November
15, 2022, and present.
• REQUEST #6: Provide copies of all housing agreements, including any “Husky Village Contract(s)” pertaining to the Fraternity between the dates of January 1, 2021, and present.
• REQUEST #7: Provide copies of all housing agreements concerning the property known as Building B2, 25 Laurel Way, Husky Village, Storrs, Connecticut, that were in effect during the 2021-2022, 2022-2023, and 2023-2024 academic years.
• REQUEST #8: Provide copies of all housing agreements concerning the property known as Building B2, 25 Laurel Way, Husky Village, Storrs, Connecticut, between the dates of January1, 2021, and present.
