FOI #24-257 (05-20-24, 12:41 am)

Aftermath of May 23rd 2014 Mass-Murder in Santa Barbara, California - Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Name: Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W

Affiliation: Michael A. Ayele (a.k.a) W ORCID.:

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/04/2010

Request Date End: 05/20/2024

Details: What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing [1] your discussions about the provisions of FERPA (i) enabling the Government Accountability Office (GAO), the Department of Justice (DOJ), the Department of Education (DoED) as well as state and local educational authorities to obtain from “any private or public elementary or secondary school” “disciplinary records with respect to a suspension or expulsion of a student;” (ii) having been amended as part of the Higher Education Amendments of 1998 to “clarify that schools may disclose to the public the final results of any disciplinary proceeding in which a student has been found responsible for a crime of violence or nonforcible sex offense;” [2] the extent of your knowledge on any formal or informal petition submitted by the GAO, the DOJ, the DoED as well as state and local educational authorities to obtain (prior to May 23rd 2014) the academic records of sexist involuntary celibate (incel) Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger (date of birth: July 24th 1991) pursuant to the provisions of FERPA; [3] your discussions about the decision of Santa Barbara County, California to publicly recognize on (or around) February 18th 2015 that (i) their Sheriff’s Office “has worked with many other law enforcement agencies” following the mass-murder committed by Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger on (or around) May 23rd 2014; (ii) their Sheriff’s Office was made aware of Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger “educational background” after the Department of Justice (DOJ) Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) served Federal Grand Jury subpoenas to obtain them; (iii) their Sheriff’s Office had served several search warrants on the email accounts, the YouTube account, the Facebook page and the cell-phone of Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger; (iv) their Sheriff’s Office had recovered numerous weapons from Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger including but not limited to three-automatic 9 millimeters (mm) pistols and two knives; (v) a welfare check was conducted by members of the Isla Vista Foot Patrol on (or around) April 30th 2014 to determine whether Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger should be involuntarily committed at the Santa Barbara County Department of Behavioral Wellness pursuant to the provisions of California Welfare & Institutions Code Section 5150; (vi) their investigation revealed that Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger was a racist a fascinated by Nazis such as Joseph Goebbels and Heinrich Himmler; (vii) their investigation revealed that Elliot Oliver Robertson Rodger was a sexist who blamed women for the problems and difficulties he had in life even though he was in reality a very privileged white men who could financially afford a Black BMW as well as other expensive goods and services provided in the State of California (when he was an undergraduate student at Santa Barbara City College)...

Please see the attached document that will be sent via email to Kayla Postler and Megan Philippi.


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