FOI #23-551 (12-15-23, 2:40 pm)

Aggregate Faculty Salary Information for the College of Engineering

Name: Jeffrey McCutcheon

Affiliation: University of Connecticut

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: The UConn Provost's office created spreadsheets that provided faculty salary information for individual departments in order to facility salary equity requests for faculty. This information was provided only for the faculty in our individual departments. To do an appropriate salary equity evaluation, we need to see salaries of ALL of the faculty in the College of engineering. This is important for several reasons:
1. Many departments only have 1 or 2 of a certain rank of faculty, making comparisons of salaries impossible
2. Online resources fail to provide key metadata (e.g. appointment type, meaning 9, 10, 11, or 12 month appointment) which can skew salary numbers when making comparisons.
3. Online resources fail to account for summer salary differences in a year-to-year basis, meaning that salaries can jump and vary greatly if a faculty has a "good" or "lean" year.

To provide transparency for salary equity, I would like all of the salary spreadsheets distributed to the College of Engineering. All of the information is public, I just want the spreadsheets that the Provost's office already assembled since it contains all of the necessary information in one place.

Thank you,
Jeff McCutcheon
