FOI #23-473 (10-19-23, 6:36 pm)

UConn correspondences concerning the spirit rock

Name: Student Student

Affiliation: The Daily Campus

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 10/01/2023

Request Date End: 10/19/2023

Details: Documents should include any emails correspondence from the office of the President, Facilities Operations staff, Undergraduate Student Government, the UConn Police Department and the Department of Student Activities concerning the "spirit rock" by North Garage and the painted rock by Monteith.

Documents should also include internal policies and communications regarding university action if messages on the spirit rocks are considered offensive, inappropriate, or otherwise undesirable by university officials and community members.

Emails should include, if possible, any communications regarding messages in support of Israel, in support of Palestine, and opposing fossil fuels and climate change.

Documents should include, if possible, the individuals and departments sending and receiving emails
