Jessica Alba May 2023 Statements on Systemic Sexism and University of California Interpretation of 1986 Immigration Reform & Control Act
Name: Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W
Affiliation: Association for the Advancement of Civil Liberties (AACL):
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 12/23/2009
Request Date End: 07/17/2023
Details: What I am requesting for prompt disclosure are records in your possession detailing your discussions about [1] the formal/informal ties that exist between UConn, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and the University of California; [2] the University of California (UC) as a post-secondary academic institution, which has (i) on September 07th 2022 published through its Los Angeles (UCLA) campus a proposal in favor of hiring “undocumented students for positions within UC even if they lack employment authorization under federal immigration law;” (ii) provided persuasive arguments that they should not be bound by the 1986 Immigration Reform and Control Act (IRCA), in particular 8 U.S.C Section 1324a because they are not specifically mentioned; (iii) on May 18th 2023 agreed to find a pathway to hire students who lack legal status and work permits; [3] Jessica Alba as a woman, who (i) was born April 28th 1981 in Pomona, California; (ii) believes that she has had a tough childhood in part because of the systemic racism that her ancestors of Mexican national origin have gone through; (iii) believes that there’s systemic sexism embedded throughout U.S society; (iv) says that she’s previously been called “delusional;” (v) believes that the U.S government has not provided “enough oversight to make sure that people have a robust safety standard, which didn’t poison them;” [4] Michael Ayele (a.k.a) W as a Black man, who (i) came to the U.S.A on an F-1 visa in December 2009 for the purpose of obtaining a Bachelor of Arts (B.A) Degree from Westminster College (Fulton, Missouri); (ii) was previously issued by the DHS an Employment Authorization Document (EAD); (iii) has in Calendar Year 2014 initiated contact with the DHS on the subject of his employment history with the Missouri Department of Mental Health (MODMH) Fulton State Hospital (FSH) after they had issued him an EAD; (iv) has in good-faith informed the DHS in July 2016 that he would be leaving the territory of the U.S.A; (v) has in good-faith informed the DHS in Calendar Year 2017 that he had obtained a B.A Degree from Westminster College; (vi) has in the past had his FOIA request with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) processed in the “simple” track when it pertained to DHS matters; (vii) expects the EEOC to break the precedent they have set for themselves (in FOIA Request Case No.: 280 – 2020 – 000469) by assigning his future FOIA requests on DHS related matters to the “complex” track and afterwards labelling them “unreasonable;” (viii) has previously visited the National Museum of the American Indian (NMAI); [5] your discussions about the NMAI as a diverse and multifaceted cultural and educational enterprise, which (i) defines the term “treaty” as a “solemn agreement between sovereign nations;” (ii) has on its website and their museums displayed the treaties that the U.S government signed with the Indian Nations only to afterwards break them...