FOI #23-325 (07-5-23, 12:46 pm)

Social Sentinel and Navigate 360 Detect

Name: Vincent Gabrielle

Affiliation: Hearst Media Connecticut (CT Insider)

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 09/01/2022

Request Date End: 07/05/2023

Details: I am requesting the following:

1) Any and all emails between UConn staff, administrators and faculty regarding renewing or not renewing the contract for Social Sentinel/Navigate 360 between September 2022-July 5 2023
2) Any and all student emails to administration regarding Social Sentinel/Navigate 360 for the same time period.
3) Any and all discussions or assessments of Social Sentinel’s/Navigate 360s efficacy for the same time period between UConn administrators, staff and faculty.
4) Any emails between administration, faculty and staff discussing Vincent Gabrielle’s FOIA requests or questions regarding Social Sentinel/Navigate 360 between November of 2022- July 5 2023.


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