WSJ public record request for board expense records
Name: Melissa Korn
Affiliation: The Wall Street Journal
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 01/01/2016
Request Date End: 03/31/2022
Details: Under state public records laws, I would like to request a copy of all expense reimbursements and payments made with university funds for members of the University of Connecticut board of trustees from January 2016 through March 2023.
I am seeking details of payments and reimbursements for items including but not limited to travel, dining and entertainment, from both individual board members and for items that benefited the entire board (costs of a board retreat, for instance). I am seeking details of payments and reimbursements made specifically from university accounts, not outside foundations or associations.
I would request that the information be released electronically, and am fine accepting it in batches by year if some years are more easily accessible than others. I would also request that any fees associated with this inquiry be waived, as I am a member of the news media and this information is newsworthy to the public.
Thank you,