FOI #23-070 (02-15-23, 7:25 pm)

Undergraduate expenses for #SaveUConn rally

Name: Student Student

Affiliation: The Daily Campus

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2023

Request Date End: 02/15/2023

Details: The documents should include amounts, dates requested, and dates received of the following of the following expenses associated with the Undergraduate Student Government #SaveUConn rally; additionally, any expenses made by the university, including dates requested and received, should be included for the following:

1. Expenses related to ordering buses from UConn Storrs to the Capitol Building
2. Expenses related to ordering t-shirts for the #SaveUConn rally
3. Expenses related to the "#SaveUConn after party" proceeding after the rally itself
4. Expenses related to purchasing lunch for rally participants
5. Other miscellaneous expenses related to the #SaveUConn rally


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