FOI #22-445 (12-19-22, 1:33 am)

RFP MF071122 - Long Island Sound Public Perception Survey (PPS)

Name: Patrick Moir

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/26/2022

Request Date End: 12/18/2022

Details: In accordance with the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act §1-200 et seq., I would like to request copies of documentation pertaining to the RFP process for MF071122 dealing with the Long Island Sound Public Perception Survey.

Specifically, I would like all documents, messages, notes and emails related to the RFP, including, but not limited to:

• Survey Documents
• Presentations
• Agreements
• Notes
• Documents
• RFPs
• Proposal Responses
• Work Product Produced Under RFP
• Rating Sheets for Responses
• Emails. Letters & Phone Messages between staff and other staff, staff and elected officials, and between staff and vendors and/or proposers.
• Contracts
• Other Internal Agency Documents

The dates covered by this request are January 26, 2022 through the present.

I ask for a determination on this request within four days of your receipt of it, as required by the Act, and an even prompter reply if you can make that determination without having to review the record[s] in question.

Hopefully you will be able to provide this information electronically; if not, please contact me with the expected amount for the copies and the easiest payment arrangement for you.

If you determine that any or all or the information qualifies for an exemption from disclosure, I ask you to note whether, as is normally the case under the Act, the exemption is discretionary, and if so whether it is necessary in this case to exercise your discretion to withhold the information.

If you determine that some but not all of the information is exempt from disclosure and that you intend to withhold it, I ask that you redact it for the time being and make the rest available as requested.

In any event, please provide a signed notification citing the legal authorities on which you rely if you determine that any or all of the information is exempt and will not be disclosed.
