up-to-date UCPD inventory or inventories
Name: Student Student
Affiliation: Daily Campus, UConn student
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 01/01/2022
Request Date End: 10/13/2022
Details: An up-to-date inventory or inventories of:
Lethal weapons at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: service pistols, shotguns, long rifles, assault rifles, sniper rifles, submachine guns, and grenade launchers
Lethal munitions at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: pistol rounds, shotgun shells both slug and shot, long rifle rounds, assault rifle rounds, sniper rifle rounds, and submachine gun rounds of all types, whether hollow pointed, jacketed, FMJ, or any other
Less-lethal blunt force weapons at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: night sticks, batons, and blackjacks
Less-lethal blunt force munitions at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: bean bags to be fired from shotguns, rubber bullets, rubber batons to be fired from shotguns or grenade launchers
Less-lethal chemical munitions at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: OC spray (pepper spray), CS gas canisters to be thrown or fired from grenade launchers, OC gas canisters to be thrown or fired from grenade launchers, "pepper balls" and other chemical impact munitions to be fired from lethal or less-lethal delivery systems
Misc. less-lethal weapons and munitions at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: tasers, stun-guns, stun grenades and canisters, smoke grenades and canisters, "stinger" rubber bullet grenades, delivery systems specialized for less-lethal munitions, and any less-lethal weapons or munitions not already listed
Protective gear at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: stab vests, bulletproof vests including but not limited to kevlar, ceramic, and steel plate; helmets, both motorcycle and riot; protective cups, other riot gear including but not limited to knee caps and pads, elbow caps and pads, shin guards, thigh guards, helmet visors, and other body armor intended to protect against blunt force; riot shields of any type
Vehicles at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: SUVs and their specializations, patrol cars, vans, trucks, armored vehicles, motorcycles, ATVs, and bicycles
Unmanned vehicles at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: aerial drones of any type, ground-based drones of any type
Handcuffs at the disposal of UCPD, including but not limited to: metal, plastic or zip-tie