FOI #22-364 (10-5-22, 3:23 pm)

RFP# MF030918 - Distributed Antenna Systems and Small-Cell Technology Solutions for Voice and Data Services

Name: Derek Zwier

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 04/06/2018

Request Date End: 04/05/2019

Details: In 2018, UConn issued an RFP titled RFP# MF030918 - Distributed Antenna Systems and Small-Cell Technology Solutions for Voice and Data Services. Would you provide the following?

• All proposals submitted to the University or State for this RFP
• Evaluation scoring and/or any meeting minutes around the decision to select the winner
• The agreement between the winner of the RFP and the University of State?
