FOI #22-338 (09-21-22, 8:41 am)

Social Sentinel and Navigate 360 Detect

Name: Vincent Gabrielle

Affiliation: Hearst Media Connecticut (CT Insider)

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 06/01/2018

Request Date End: 09/21/2022

Details: I am requesting the contract for Social Sentinel, a social media and digital surveillance company. The Dallas Morning News reported that UConn had a contract with Social Sentinel from 2018-2021.

I am also requesting any extension of the contract or new contract with the company. Such contracts may be for the service "Navigate360 Detect" with the company Navigate360 due to an acquisition and name change this year.

Further, I am requesting any brochures, white papers or marketing material provided to UConn by Social Sentinel or Navigate360 if applicable.
