FOI #22-265 (07-25-22, 8:08 am)

UConn Trustee Organizations (Storrs & Regional) Payment of Staff Wages and/or Fringe

Name: Student Student

Affiliation: Nutmeg Publishing

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 07/01/2017

Request Date End: 07/25/2022

Details: All emails pertaining to payment of staff wages and/or fringe by Trustee Orgs at Storrs and Regional Campuses including, but not limited to, among staff and between staff and the organizations.

Documentation of “fiduciary responsibilities'' that DSA has regarding the ‘Trustee Orgs.

Documentation regarding the requirement of Trustee Orgs are required to use University systems?

Documentation that only full-time staff can access university systems and specify which systems as well as the name of the staff that control these policies.

Full audits of Trustee Orgs that speak to staff.

Evidence/documentation of staffing issues and how the proposed changes by Dr. Briody will fix identified issues.

Regarding the services DSA provides the non-USG Trustee Orgs, please note which are new and which have previously been provided free of charge. Please also note which are required and which are optional. Also, please list services provided by staff to USG not provided to the other Orgs.

Our records show that services previously provided to WHUS, Daily Campus and Nutmeg stopped last year with the departure of our staff and yet the organizations continued to pay for non-student staff time. Please share all communications between DSA and these organizations related to this important change.

Our records show that GSS, Praxis and UCTV were charged for non-student staff time for the first time last year. Please detail the additional services provided (that were not provided previously for free) as well as the communications between DSA and these organizations related to this important change.

Please provide the Staff Charges to Trustee Orgs and the minutes that were provided to support these charges.

Please provide the staff salaries and wages that support the the Tier II banking operation and the money that is collected to pay for those staff wages and salaries, from the Tier II Orgs that choose to bank with Business Services. (to be continued)
