FOI #22-189 (05-11-22, 12:35 pm)

Title IX Reporting

Name: Collin Binkley

Affiliation: The Associated Press

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2017

Request Date End: 06/30/2022

Details: I would like to request:

- The annual number of Title IX reports made to the university for each year since 2017, including the current academic year
- Annual breakdowns of Title IX reports by incident category (ie. sexual harassment, sexual violence, gender discrimination) since 2017
- Annual breakdowns of Title IX reports by location category (ie. on campus, off campus) since 2017
- Annual breakdowns of Title IX reports by sex identity of the complainant and respondent, since 2017
- Annual breakdowns of Title IX reports by outcome (ie. informal resolution, formal investigation, respondent found responsible, respondent found not responsible, complainant declined to proceed) since 2017
- Annual breakdowns of Title IX reports by reporter classification
- Annual numbers of live Title IX hearings since 2017


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