FOI #22-116 (03-16-22, 3:12 pm)

RFP #KP06212

Name: Mimi Stanley

Affiliation: Transact Campus Inc.

Location: UConn Regional Campus

Request Date Start: 06/28/2021

Request Date End: 03/15/2022

Details: Pursuant to public records law, I'm requesting copies of all records pertaining to the following request for proposals (RFP):

RFP Number: #KP06212
RFP Title: Billing and Payments Tool
Bid Administrator: Kanagaraj Paulraj, IT Category Manager
Successful bidder: Flywire

Specifically, I am requesting the following documents:
1. Selection committee evaluations/ notes/ analyses
2. Cost and/or technical proposals received from the awarded bidder and other submitters
3. Final contract including scope of work and attachments
