FOI #22-058

Public Official Surety Bond

Name: Maria Colshester

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: (1) A Photocopy of your public official Public Official Surety bond as referenced in Connecticut Senate bill 815, Public Act No. 19-83.
(2) A photocopy of the governing board of education blanket surety bond if your board requires the members to be bonded under a blanket bond.
(3) A photocopy of your Errors & Omissions (E&O), a Surety Liability Insurance policy, and the Duty of Care policy if applicable.
(4) A photocopy of your school board General Obligation Bonds if applicable.
(5) A photocopy of your general long term bond for the school board if applicable.
(6) A photocopy of your school board Crime Policy if applicable.
(7) A photocopy of your Risk Management Policy if applicable.
(8) A photocopy of the following documents if applicable:
The documents should indicate the policy number and the insured amount of the policy.
(9) A photocopy of the Certificate of Liability if applicable.
(10) Public Officials and/or any other bonds pertaining to proof of liability and policies. **Based on any and all losses of financial responsibility due to negligence or dishonesty. Any and all based on the contract of terms and conditions.
(10) A photocopy of the Faithful Performance Bond if applicable.
(11) A photocopy of the Fidelity Bond if applicable.
(12) A photocopy of the Public Employee Dishonesty Policy if applicable.
(13) A photocopy of the Public Employee Blanket Bond if applicable.
(14) A photocopy of the Statutory Bond if applicable.
(15) A photocopy of an Official Bond if applicable.
(16) A photocopy of the power of attorney for the surety bond company.
(17) A photocopy of the Blanket Bond power of attorney for the surety bond company if applicable.
(18) A photocopy of your oath of office.
