FOI #21-317 (09-28-21, 7:50 am)

Request for all communications

Name: Faculty Faculty

Affiliation: UConn Faculty

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 07/01/2014

Request Date End: 09/28/2021

Details: This is a request for any/all communications (including emails/texts/letters) between Nicole Gelston, and anyone in the General Counsel Office, Kelly Bannister in the office of Faculty and Staff Labor Relations, Office of Institutional Equity (OIE), Faculty in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department (EEB) (Pam Diggle, Carl Schlichting, Kentwood Wells, and Cynthia S. Jones), the Provosts Office, and the CLAS Deans Office (Juli Wade, Andrew Moiseff), pertaining to Faculty, that mention Adam Fry’s teaching responsibilities in the Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Department (EEB); in particular Biology 1108 and Biology 1102. I am asking to see all of these documents/emails/texts for the time period from July 1, 2014 to today, September 28, 2021.
