FOI #21-257 (08-9-21, 11:56 am)

Request for Records for RFP # TL040519 IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services due date 4/24/2019

Name: Raquel Moya

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Regional Campus

Request Date Start: 04/05/2019

Request Date End: 04/24/2021

Details: Hello this is a Request for the Public Records for RFP # TL040519 IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services due date 4/24/2019.

We are looking for the following records for the solicitation RFP # TL040519 IBM FileNet Upgrade Consulting Services due date 4/24/2019.

1.Winning vendor Proposal
2.Bid Tabulation/Scoring Sheet
3.Purchase Order Issued
4.RFP documents
5.Qualified Companies for this Bid

We believe the due date for this solicitation was 04/29/2019.

It would be great If you can share these documents with us or point us in the correct way to find them.

Please take in consideration that we prefer to receive the soft copy version of these documents.

Best Regards,
