FOI #21-195

STEM Research Center Science 1 & Northwest Projects

Name: Peter Bove

Affiliation: National Shoring

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: 1) Copy of the Builder's Risk Insurance Policy that is in effect for this project;
2) Copy of Dimeo Construction's Payment Bond;
3) Copy of all Dimeo Constructions insurance policies that are in effect with this project, including Professional Liability;
4) Copy of all CJ Fucci Construction insurance policies that are in effect with this project;
5) Copy of CJ Fucci's payment bond for the project;
6) Copy of CJ Fucci's approved PE Design Dewatering System (ITEM 312319) and Schedule of Values for the Project;
7) Copy of all Payment and Partial Payment Lien Releases from CJ Fucci Inc to date;
8) UConn insurance information including General Liability, Umbrella, Builders Risk.
