All Information Related to Old Colony Construction for ITB #UCHC4-117414108
Name: Brian Miller
Affiliation: Superior Environmental Corp
Location: UConn Health
Request Date Start: 05/01/2019
Request Date End: 04/22/2021
Details: ITB Number: UCHC4-117414108
ITB Title: 18-602-.02 Project Name: Fuel Oil Tank Permanent Closure & Piping Replacement/Parking Lot A3
Primarily we are interested in information regarding the 10% surety bid bond that Old Colony Construction included in its response to this invitation to bid. As such, we are requesting copies of all documents relating to Old Colony Construction and this invitation to bid and the resulting project.
We are also requesting copies of all emails between Uconn staff and Old Colony Construction regarding this invitation to bid and the resulting project. Old Colony Construction's email domain is