Philip Austin W-2s for 2012, 2013
Name: Dan Bauman
Affiliation: The Chronicle of Higher Education
Location: UConn Storrs
Request Date Start: 01/01/2012
Request Date End: 12/31/2013
Details: Fee benefit requested
To Whom It May Concern:
Pursuant to the your state’s open records law, I hereby request the following records:
1. I request copies of completed W-2s for the following employees in the following calendar/tax years. Connecticut State Colleges & Universities (system office) was able to provide a set of W-2s for select employees of that organization. A representative of the system office said UConn would hold the two W-2s of interest to this request.
— Philip Austin, 2012
— Philip Austin, 2013
* If there will be a cost for processing this request greater than $10, please contact me in advance. I would like an itemized list of the request costs, including the number of hours expected to produce the file and the hourly rate of the employee who would be doing the work.