FOI #21-101 (03-17-21, 12:03 pm)

Managed Print Services

Name: Randi Osorio

Affiliation: Canon Solutions America

Location: UConn Regional Campus

Request Date Start: 01/01/2015

Request Date End: 03/17/2021

Details: As a way to position Canon Solutions America to compete for your future business when your current lease or rental agreement comes up for renewal, I am sending you this written request for records. Requests for information can sometimes come across as abrasive, which is why I want to assure you that this request is being made simply to collect information and determine the proper follow up times down the road. I am respectfully requesting any/all information with regard to your current managed print services contract including, but not limited to, the following:
*Copy of current contract with Connecticut Business Systems, LLC (Contract No. UC-15-JL101113)
*Number of MFPs, monthly volume and cost
*Number of printers, monthly volume and cost
*Number of on-site employees that are responsible for managed print including job description and salary
*If the University is currently using a Print Management software, please advise as to which software is being used and cost of same
*Contact name and number for person responsible for making decisions with regard to managed print contracts.
Thank you for what I hope is not a great deal of your time spent gathering this information. Feel free to contact me with any questions or if there are any additional charges (copying, etc.) associated with providing this information. I will be more than happy to cover these costs, as well as follow any other guidelines set forth by University of Connecticut.
