FOI #21-088

UConn Health RFP's

Name: Marc Needelman

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Health

Request Date Start: 01/01/2016

Request Date End: 02/26/2021

Details: Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records that relate to the award of Courier
and Distribution Services for UCONN Health from January 1, 2016 through the present date ("Subject Period••).
Specifically, I request, but do not limit my inquiry to:
a. All requests for proposals/qualifications ("R.F.P./R.F.Q:•) (including supplements) issued by UCONN Health for Courier and Distribution Services.
b. All responses received by UCONN Health in response to such requests.
c. Copies of any/all contracts issued for such services during the period specified, and any extensions thereto.
d. Contract Award Numbers associated with any contract issued, and the name and address of each party to whom a contract was awarded, or to whom a ContractAward Number issued.
e. The Contract Value of each such contract issued.
f. Whether for each contract issued, whether or not the Vendor selected had its principal place of business headquartered in Connecticut.
g. How each R.F.P./R.F.Q. was advertised, published or distributed.
h. The current estimated date for soliciting a new contract(s) for Courier and Distribution Services.
i. Copies of all invoices submitted to UCONN Health for Courier and Distribution Services during the Subject Period.
j. Copies of payments issued to providers of Courier and Distribution Services by UCONN Health during the Subject Period.
