FOI #20-161 (05-26-20, 12:54 pm)

Administrative Salary Request

Name: Jessica Lillegaard

Affiliation: University of Illinois - System Office

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 01/01/2015

Request Date End: 05/26/2020

Details: The University of Illinois is conducting our annual review of our peer salaries. We use the data for our internal planning and budgeting and do not share it outside of our university.

Can you please provide the FY15 through FY20 salaries for the following positions (also can you indicate if the incumbent is interim or in the first year of their position):

Dean, School of Business
Dean, School of Dental Medicine
Dean, Neag School of Education
Dean, School of Engineering
Dean, Law
Dean, Liberal Arts, and Sciences
Dean, Medicine
Dean, School of Nursing
Dean, School of Pharmacy
Dean, School of Social Work
V. Provost for Grad. Education, Dean of the Grad. School
Dean, College of Ag., Health, and Natural Resources
V.P. for Communications
Provost and Executive V.P. for Academic Affairs
Dean of UConn Library
Executive V.P. for Administration and CFO
Exec. V.P. for Health Affairs & Chief Exec. Off. UConn Health
V.P. for Research
V.P. for Student Affairs

If the trend data is too time-consuming, can you please provide as many years as possible? Also, there is no specific date I need this information by, but if it will take longer than a couple of weeks, I would appreciate a time-frame so I can give my supervisor an update. Thanks
