FOI #20-120

UConn Class

Name: David Godbout

Affiliation: Withheld.

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: Withheld.

Request Date End: Withheld.

Details: 1) All records of instructional materials utilized by UCONN with this class. I would exclude any tests, exams, quizzes, other records of that nature. Alternately, if an issue is run into regarding what is an "instructional material" then please see "instructional material" to include all records related to the class, excluding records that ID students and tests, exams, and quizzes for the purpose of this request.

2) All pending record requests not completed to UCONN (just seeking requests, not records responsive to the requests). If any record request is pending a judicial or quasi-judicial ruling on an uncompleted request, I would deem that to be an open or not completed request for the purpose of this public record request. Note: not seeking records related to record requests that UCONN deems completed.
