APHIS forms, necropsies, correspondence
Name: Russ Kick
Affiliation: Withheld.
Location: UConn Health
Request Date Start: Withheld.
Request Date End: Withheld.
Details: This is a request under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, § 1-200 et seq.. We hereby request the following records related to your animal use program:
1. The following APHIS forms that have been completed since September 1, 2018:
- APHIS Form 7002 – Program of Veterinary Care (or the equivalent document)
- APHIS Form 7005 – Record of Acquisition of Dogs and Cats on Hand
- APHIS Form 7006 – Record of Disposition of Dogs and Cats
- APHIS Form 7006A – Continuation Sheet for Record of Disposition of Dogs and Cats
- APHIS Form 7019 – Record of Animals on Hand (Other than Dogs and Cats)
- APHIS Form 7020 – Record of Acquisition, Disposition or Transport of Animals (Other Than Dogs and Cats)
- APHIS Form 7020A – Continuation Sheet for Record of Acquisition, Disposition, or Transport (Other Than Dogs and Cats)
2. All necropsies for unexpected/unanticipated animal deaths performed since September 1, 2018. (This would encompass all appendices, annexes, attachments, and accompanying documents, including photos and videos in their original formats and resolution.)
3. All correspondence with USDA-APHIS, all correspondence with NIH-OLAW, and all correspondence with AAALAC (Association for Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International) since September 1, 2018. (This would encompass all accompanying documentation, including photos and videos in their original formats and resolution.)