FOI #19-247 (08-6-19, 4:16 pm)

Barnes and Noble Education

Name: Employee Employee

Affiliation: UConn

Location: UConn Storrs

Request Date Start: 07/01/2017

Request Date End: 08/06/2019

Details: Pursuant to state public records law, I request a copy of the term sheet and full/complete contract between the University of Connecticut and Barnes & Noble Education, including but not limited to the performance standards, incentive structure, vendor codes of conduct, financial reports, etc. under which Barnes &; Noble will be required to run the Bookstore. This should clearly delineate all requirements and agreements between the two parties, including all relevant financial details. This shall also include all contracts, terms of service, or relevant documents related to a proposed or adopted “First Day,” inclusive access, or digital delivery program.
