Request Log

FOI #18-183 - Subject - Microaggression

Name - Carolyn Komatsoulis

Affiliation -

(1) Any emails to or from any representative of the Division of Student Life or Office of Student Affairs or whatever equivalent office from January 1, 2015 up through the present that contain the following terms:
• "microagression"
• "microagressions"
• "trigger warning"
• "triggered"
• "trigger warnings"
• "safe space"
• "safe spaces"
(2) Any available demographic information related to the current student population of this educational institution.

FOI #18-182 (06-4-18, 10:04 am) - Subject - Executive Director Employee Relations Search 2018487

Name - Kurt Comisky

Affiliation - Self

I request a complete and certified copy of all submitted applications and submitted documents to support the application. I also request a copy of the Search Committee's criteria used to rank or determine which candidates would be interviewed, the ranking or score sheet, and any other written notes, email, or memorandum related to this position posting.

FOI #18-181 (05-30-18, 4:04 pm) - Subject - Athletic fees assessed to full-time students

Name - Aaron Beard

Affiliation - Associated Press

The amount of all athletics fees assessed to full-time students from the 2009-10 academic year and running through the upcoming 2018-19 school year. We request those amounts be broken down by academic year, semester or term.
This request would include any amounts that provide revenue for a school’s athletics department or related athletics operations (such as allowing students to attend sporting events or additional amounts designated to help pay for athletic facilities costs/debt). If the amount is part of a broader general fee, please include the amount of that general fee and the part designated for athletics-related operations.

FOI #18-180 (05-30-18, 10:35 am) - Subject - Football Attendance and Ticket Accounting

Name - Rachel Bachman

Affiliation - The Wall Street Journal

1. Game-by-game drop count for attendance during the 2017 home football season. By drop count, I mean the number of tickets scanned/counted for each game.
2. Game-by-game count of free tickets distributed for the 2017 home football season.
3. Game-by-game count of tickets for the 2017 home football season that were purchased by the university, the athletic department or a representative agency (e.g. a marketing partner). Please include the face value for those tickets.

FOI #18-179 - Subject - Fringe Benefits

Name - Michael Aronow

Affiliation -

1. A copy of any documents (including but not exclusive to electronic, paper, email) relating to the amount of fringe benefits a physician faculty member of the Department of Orthopaedic Surgery at the University of Connecticut School of Medicine would have received for Fiscal Year 2011 (July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011), Fiscal Year 2012 (July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012), Fiscal Year 2013 (July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013), Fiscal Year 2014 (July 1, 2013 to June 30, 2014), Fiscal Year 2015 (July 1, 2014 to June 30, 2015), and Fiscal Year 2018 (July 1, 2017 to June 30, 2018).
a. The information provided should include
i. The total fringe benefit cost for a physician (Total dollar amount or percentage of salary).
ii. The amount a physician faculty member would receive for each fringe benefit received including but not exclusive to
1. Family Health Insurance
2. Family Dental Insurance
3. Disability insurance
4. Life insurance
5. Retirement contributions
6. Tuition waivers
b. If available, this request may be fulfilled by providing the numerical answers to request 1a above, in lieu of all documents related to each faculty members fringe benefit payments during the above time period.
2. A list of all documents that you have obtained related to the above requests but were excluded and the reason they were excluded.
3. The names of the individual(s) who carried out this request.

Follow up request received 6/15/18:
1. The link you provided lists 2018 data. Do you have similar data for the other years?
2. With respect to records relating to actual fringe cost for specific employees, please provide that data for Fiscal Years 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, and 2015 for
a. Robert Arciero, M.D.
b. Michael Aronow, MD
c. Augustus Mazzocca, M.D.
d. Kevin Shea, M.D.

FOI #18-178 (05-28-18, 12:01 pm) - Subject - Pasqualoni Employment Contract 2011

Name - Øyvind Aas

Affiliation -

In accordance with the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), can you please send me, via email, the employment contract for the head coach of football at the University of Connecticut, Mr. Paul Pasqualoni.
Coach Pasqualoni was hired as the head coach in January 13, 2011, and the contract was terminated on September 30, 2013. Please send the first contract (2011) with amendments, all subsequent amendments and renewals, and any new contracts in the period 2011 – 2013.

FOI #18-177 (05-28-18, 11:40 am) - Subject - Diaco Employment Contract 2013

Name - Øyvind Aas

Affiliation -

In accordance with the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), can you please send me, via email, the employment contract for the head coach of football at the University of Connecticut, Mr. Robert Albert Diaco.
Coach Diaco was hired as the head coach in December 2013, and the contract was terminated on December 26, 2016. Please send the first contract (2013) with amendments, all subsequent amendments and renewals, and any new contracts in the period 2013 – 2016.

FOI #18-176 (05-28-18, 11:40 am) - Subject - Edsall Employment Contract 1998

Name - Øyvind Aas

Affiliation -

In accordance with the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), can you please send me, via email, the employment contract for the head coach of football at the University of Connecticut, Mr. Randy Douglas Edsall.
Coach Edsall was hired as the head coach on December 21, 1998, and the contract was terminated after the 2010 season. Please send the first contract (1998) with amendments, all subsequent amendments and renewals, and any new contracts in the period 1998 – 2010.

FOI #18-175 (05-28-18, 11:40 am) - Subject - Edsall Employment Contract 2016

Name - Øyvind Aas

Affiliation -

In accordance with the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), can you please send me, via email, the employment contract for the head coach of football at the University of Connecticut, Mr. Randy Douglas Edsall. Coach Edsall was hired in December 2016. Please send the first contract (2016) with amendments, all subsequent amendments, renewals, and any new contracts in the period, including his current contract.

FOI #18-174 (05-26-18, 9:02 am) - Subject - Anita Hill on campus on 1/18/2018

Name - Patrick Novak

Affiliation - none

Any documentation that could be viewed as 'decision documentation' that was used as part of the event review procedures for Ms. Hills appearance on campus on 1/18/2018. Minutes of a meeting, if a meeting took place, at which decisions were made, decision 'score sheet' if such a tool was used, reports, assessments and opinions from other departments (security, maintenance, etc.) that were taken into consideration before or during the decision making process.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Carolyn Komatsoulis Microaggression UConn Storrs Complete
Kurt Comisky Self Executive Director Employee Relations Search 2018487 UConn Storrs Premature request
Aaron Beard Associated Press Athletic fees assessed to full-time students UConn Storrs Complete
Rachel Bachman The Wall Street Journal Football Attendance and Ticket Accounting UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Aronow Fringe Benefits UConn Health Complete
Øyvind Aas Pasqualoni Employment Contract 2011 UConn Storrs Complete
Øyvind Aas Diaco Employment Contract 2013 UConn Storrs Complete
Øyvind Aas Edsall Employment Contract 1998 UConn Storrs Complete
Øyvind Aas Edsall Employment Contract 2016 UConn Storrs Complete
Patrick Novak none Anita Hill on campus on 1/18/2018 UConn Storrs Complete