Request Log

FOI #18-193 - Subject - Herbst Communications

Name - Emilie Munson

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media

Under the terms of the state Freedom of Information Act, I request access to any communications between University of Connecticut President Susan Herbst or the President’s Office and the U.S. Department of Justice, Federal Bureau of Investigations or the U.S. Attorney’s Office during Herbst’s tenure at the University of Connecticut.

FOI #18-192 - Subject - RFP LM110117

Name - Kenny Marshall

Affiliation - SimplexGrinnell

Copy of the bid results for RFP LM110117.

FOI #18-191 - Subject - Collective Bargaining

Name - Kaza Rhan

Affiliation - LocalLabs

We are requesting copies of any current collective bargaining agreements between your organization and any organized labor collective bargaining unit, and if there is no collective bargaining agreement in place, a copy of the last expired agreement.
Additionally, we are requesting electronic (preferably non-PDF such as CSV, Excel, Txt) data with the following data points for all employees represented or not by any organized labor collective bargaining unit:
- Employee ID
- First name
- Middle name or initial
- Last name
- Birthdate (MM/DD/YYYY)
- Start Date
- Email address
- Department
- Job title
- Compensation
- Compensation Type (Full Time/Part Time/Hourly)
- Organized labor collective bargaining unit name (if applicable)
- Government email address

FOI #18-190 - Subject - Computer Purchase Order Records

Name - Jiaming Xu

Affiliation - Public & Private Sector Solutions

Under Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting all information available for purchase order documentation and quotes of any personal computers, laptops, or tablets purchased by Connecticut within the past 30 days. In particular, I am interested in the price of the computer and its RAM, CPU, and hard drive information if applicable.

FOI #18-189 (06-12-18, 3:37 pm) - Subject - Construction Project Records

Name - Toni Hill

Affiliation - Acme Research

Copies of documents, such as − but not limited to – Construction Notice to Proceed, Daily Field Reports, Contractor Reporting Forms, work orders, or other forms that specify subcontractors and other salient points for construction or renovation projects valued at $2,000,000 or more at the University of Connecticut. Please include information for both currently active projects as well as those completed since January 1, 2018. We do not need every document that mentions subcontractors, just one for each subcontractor or set of subcontractors.

FOI #18-188 - Subject - Aspire Group

Name - Kelli Stacy

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I would like to request any record of payment from UConn to the Aspire Group from 2016 to the present.

FOI #18-187 (06-7-18, 10:46 pm) - Subject - Rainbow Center Documents

Name - Elizabeth Sullivan

Affiliation - UCPEA

Request for Rainbow Center documents including but not limited to documents saved on UConn's Google Drive.

FOI #18-186 - Subject - Athletics Coaches Contracts

Name - Sydnee Wells

Affiliation -

The most recent contracts for the head coach and assistant coaches in the following sports: baseball, softball, men's basketball, and women's basketball.

FOI #18-185 (06-5-18, 8:01 pm) - Subject - Football-related documents

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - USA Today

1. The contracts and base salaries covering the 2018-19 season for the head football coach, the 10 full-time assistant football coaches and the football team’s head strength/conditioning coach, including but not limited to:
a) Amendments or addenda.
b) Documents reflecting current or intended compensation or benefits to any of the coaches from a third party.
*If the head coach (or any assistant or the strength/conditioning coach) is not covered by a contract, please provide the applicable letter of understanding or other document that outlines his compensation and a copy of any document listing bonuses for which the coach is eligible, including criteria for the bonuses and the amounts that would be paid.
*If the head coach (or any assistant or the strength/conditioning coach) is employed on an at-will basis, please provide a list of each coach’s base salary and a copy of any document listing bonuses for which the coach is eligible, including criteria for the bonuses and the amounts that would be paid.
*If the football team does not have a dedicated strength/conditioning coach, I would like to obtain the compensation information for the athletics department’s head strength/conditioning coach.
2. The most recent athletically related outside-income reports for the head football coach, the 10 assistant football coaches and the football team’s head strength/conditioning coach described above. This is a document that the university may require athletic personnel to use in order to report income earned from sources other than the university. If the university is no longer collecting these documents, please state that in the response to this request.
3. An itemized list of incentive bonus amounts actually paid to the current head football coach from May 15, 2017 through May 14, 2018. The goal of this request is to obtain data about bonus payments made for sport-related goals achieved during the 2017-18 football season and/or for academic or other achievements during a full, 12-month period, even though that period may not conform with the school’s fiscal year or academic year or with the coach’s contract year.
4. The university’s contracts for non-conference football games scheduled to be played during the 2018 regular season, including any amendments.

FOI #18-184 - Subject - Salary Information

Name - Janis Farese

Affiliation - American Transparency

An electronic copy of any and all employees for year of 2017, (fiscal or calendar year). Each employee record should contain the employer name, employer zip code, year of compensation, first name, middle initial, last name, hire date (mm-dd-yyyy), base salary amount, bonus amount, overtime amount, gross annual wages and position title. This data should be broken down by employer, employee and year.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Emilie Munson Hearst Connecticut Media Herbst Communications UConn Storrs No records available
Kenny Marshall SimplexGrinnell RFP LM110117 UConn Storrs Complete
Kaza Rhan LocalLabs Collective Bargaining UConn Storrs Complete
Jiaming Xu Public & Private Sector Solutions Computer Purchase Order Records UConn Storrs Complete
Toni Hill Acme Research Construction Project Records UConn Storrs Complete
Kelli Stacy Hartford Courant Aspire Group UConn Storrs Complete
Elizabeth Sullivan UCPEA Rainbow Center Documents UConn Storrs Complete
Sydnee Wells Athletics Coaches Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz USA Today Football-related documents UConn Storrs Complete
Janis Farese American Transparency Salary Information UConn Storrs Complete