Request Log

FOI #17-205 - Subject - RFP #JL012717

Name - Ashley Bernett

Affiliation - Hobsons

Copy of the following records for the RFP # JL012717 Student Notes and Tracking Solution that was issued on January 27, 2017: (1) Tabulations and Score Sheets; (2) Copy of the top three responses (excluding Hobsons).

FOI #17-207 (10-21-17, 2:18 pm) - Subject - Public Cell Phone Records.

Name - Brian Coleman

Affiliation - UConn Employee

Please provide me with all text messages and or phone records including incoming and out going calls for the UConn phone 860-208-3287

FOI #17-206 (10-21-17, 2:18 pm) - Subject - Performance evaluations and disciplinary actions

Name - Brian Coleman

Affiliation - UConn Employee

Please provide me with the most recent 2 annual performance evaluations and any or all disciplinary action taken against the following classified employees. Brian Q Coleman, and 3 other library employees.

FOI #17-204 - Subject - Safety, Competence, primarily the Unexpected Release of Hazardous Energy: Gampel, 5-13-17

Name - Martin Drobney

Affiliation -

Copies of: (1) Contractors request to Utilities Dept. for assistance; (2) HV Dept Workorder; (3) Utilities confined space permit; (4) Phone records Facilities Workorder Dept. May - June 2017; (5) Facilities contact phone numbers; (6) Facilities employees assigned phone numbers; (7) Facilities Workorder shift notes May - June 2017; (8) The three Lockout/Tagout tags locked to the isolating devices of the temporary boiler and steam piping retrofitted to Gampel applied 5-13-17 OSHA report; (9) University OSHA citations 2016 - 2017, status; (10a) Gampel Steam Schematic As-Builts; (10b) Temporary boiler specifications, rental contract, retrofit design; (11) Startup date; (12) Schematic: Underground and building oriented high pressure steam and condensate loop, including isolation valve locations, (Primary Topic); (13) Departments notification to isolate; (14) Isolation locations; (15) Notification of effected employees, contractors; (16) Contractors work scope; (17) Purpose of Lockout/Tagout (LOTO) policy; (18) LOTO policy (Control of Hazardous Energy); (19a) Environmental Health and Safety (EHS), instructional requirements; (19b) Information provided to trainee's at conclusion of training requirement; (20) EHS, Group LOTO requirements (Request Topic Specific); (21) Group LOTO applied (Gampel house valves) previous to startup; (22) Facilities Management's solution to the unexpected release of hazardous energy; (23a) Installation, Operating Instructions Gampel's house valves; (23b) EHS, Facilities records of periodic LOTO inspections, 2012 - 2017; (24a) Employee accessibility of LOTO policies and procedures prior to 5-13-17; (24b) Employee accessibility of LOTO policies and procedures after 5-13-17; (25a) Availability of LOTO tags, locks, hardware prior to 5-13-17; (25b) Availability of LOTO tags, locks, hardware after 5-13-17, per Departments; (26) Facilities Dept. (management of skilled trades) core mission; (27) LOTO reviews, trainings, meetings, conducted by Facilities Management after 5-13-17, content; (28) LOTO utilized North Campus summer shutdown of high pressure steam, all other building, projects with the same requirements, 2012 - 2017; (29) Design, purpose, of installation 2" electric high pressure steam valves to North Campus steam heating system 2015, status; (30a) Uncontrolled release of Friable Asbestos, White Building, May 2016, EHS Report, Facilities Report, EPA Report, OSHA Report, Employee's exposed (White Building, Contractor, Facilities, EHS), Contractor notification of CT DPH, Air testing data; ) Number of permit required confined spaces; (31a) Buildings under Facilities Preventive Maintenance Program (PMP); (31b) Equipment List, PMP (building specific); (31c) Treatment of steam and water of systems, independent of Central Heating Plant; (32) Specifics to be achieved by Facilities Workorder system.

FOI #17-203 - Subject - Clery Reports

Name - Charles Smart

Affiliation -

Copies of Clery fire and safety data for UConn for as many years as it exists.

FOI #17-202 (10-11-17, 10:08 pm) - Subject - Landscaping Expenses

Name - Phillip Paulsen

Affiliation -

What are the landscaping expenses of UCONN Storrs and how are they spend, for the 2015 fiscal year?

10-10-17, 3:17 pm - Subject - All documents related to a tweet referencing “the HHC-Anthem dispute"

Name - Andrew Crumbie

Affiliation - Law Firm

To UConn Health:

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, General Statutes sec. 1-200 et seq., we are requesting copies of the following records:

1. All records or communications to, from or within UConn Health, its affiliates, or the State of Connecticut, referencing the decision to inform the public about Hartford HealthCare’s relationship with Anthem, or referencing the reasons for that decision, from July 1, 2017 to the present.
2. All records containing or relating to communications between Anthem Health Plans (or its affiliates, including Blue Cross and Blue Shield) and UConn Health (or its affiliates, including State of Connecticut officials), from July 1, 2017 to the present.
3. All communications to, from or within UConn Health or its affiliates referencing to Hartford HealthCare (HHC), Anthem, or Blue Cross & Blue Shield, from July 1, 2017 to the present. This request includes, but is not limited to, communications from UConn Health or its affiliates to the public, news media, State of Connecticut officials and employees, or patients, including social media messages, relating to Hartford HealthCare (HHC), Anthem, or Blue Cross & Blue Shield.

10-10-17, 3:17 pm - Subject - All documents related to a tweet referencing “the HHC-Anthem dispute"

Name - Andrew Crumbie

Affiliation - Law Firm

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, General Statutes sec. 1-200 et seq., we are requesting copies of the following records:

1. All records, including emails and text messages, relating to or creating or asking others to create, the Tweet by @uconnhealth on October 6, 2017, which references “the HHC-Anthem dispute.”

FOI #17-200 - Subject - Bid Number JW020517

Name - Tarah Reed

Affiliation -

Copy of the award documents and the proposal response by the winning vendor for the following bid: Inkjet Printer Collaboration; Bid Number JW020517; Due Date 3/3/2017.

FOI #17-197 - Subject - RFP #KA021617

Name - Pat Walsh

Affiliation -

Copy of the Short's Travel Management submittal to RFP #KA021617.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Ashley Bernett Hobsons RFP #JL012717 UConn Storrs Premature request
Brian Coleman UConn Employee Public Cell Phone Records. UConn Storrs Complete
Brian Coleman UConn Employee Performance evaluations and disciplinary actions UConn Storrs Complete
Martin Drobney Safety, Competence, primarily the Unexpected Release of Hazardous Energy: Gampel, 5-13-17 UConn Storrs Complete
Charles Smart Clery Reports UConn Storrs Complete
Phillip Paulsen Landscaping Expenses UConn Storrs Complete
Andrew Crumbie Law Firm All documents related to a tweet referencing “the HHC-Anthem dispute" UConn Health Complete
Andrew Crumbie Law Firm All documents related to a tweet referencing “the HHC-Anthem dispute" UConn Health Complete
Tarah Reed Bid Number JW020517 UConn Storrs Premature request
Pat Walsh RFP #KA021617 UConn Storrs Complete