FOI #18-210 (06-26-18, 12:31 am) - Subject - Sponsored Research Agreement - Facebook
Name - Jeremy Borden
Affiliation -
Please provide the following in regard to the University of Connecticut’s Sponsored Research Agreement with Facebook:
-Copies of all contracts or agreements between University of Connecticut and Facebook.
-All communication between University of Connecticut scholars including but not limited to Anne Oeldorf-Hirsch with anyone with the email domain of “”
-Any conflict of interest disclosures declared by scholars or professors involved with the Facebook sponsored research agreement.
-Any university records or communications about Facebook researchers that have signed sponsored research agreements with the University of Connecticut.
-Copies of Institutional Review Board (IRB) files pertaining to sponsored research agreements with Facebook.
FOI #18-209 - Subject - Certified Payroll Records Project No. 901803
Name - Kimberly Glassman
Affiliation - Foundation for Fair Contracting of Connecticut
Copies of certified payroll records submitted by the companies listed below, when applicable, for work being performed on UConn Gant Building Renovation - STEM Phase 1:
• Ferguson Mechanical, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 3.31.18 through
the present
• Ferguson Electric, and their subcontractors - From wk ending 3.31.18 through the
• Scholar Painting-From wk ending 3.31.18 through the present
• Connecticut Carpentry Corporation, and their subcontractors - From wk ending
1.27.18 through the present
• Manganaro Northeast - From wk ending 4.1.18 through the present
• Barall & Konover Flooring
• Dzen Sheet Metal Contractors
• Reynolds Welding & Fabrication
• Quality Building
• New Britain Fence
• DePaoli Mosaic
• Sign Pro
FOI #18-208 - Subject - NCAA Interview Transcripts
Name - Andrew Noonan
Affiliation -
Copies of the following public records: the transcribed interviews between NCAA Officials and former men's basketball coaches Kevin Ollie and Raphael Chillious. The interviews would have taken place between February and March of 2018. I'm requesting the transcribed transcripts of the interviews that are consistent with the one's already released on other men's basketball coaching staff members.
Any further interactions between Kevin Ollie, his representatives and the school after the dates included in 6/20/18 release. That would include, but not be limited to, Susan Herbst decision and letter detailing her decision to uphold Kevin Ollie’s firing.
Copies of all payrolls concerning Milo Plastering working as a subcontractor for Scope Construction at the Wilbur Cross reading room renovation Project # 300001.
I would like to request any further correspondence or documents between the university and Kevin Ollie since the documents that were forwarded Wednesday, June 20, namely a letter sent by university president Susan Herbst to Ollie regarding her denial of his appeal.
All public records, documents, and communications concerning or relating to each and every infraction identified on the list of 120 NCAA infractions attached hereto as Exhibit A, including, but not limited to, any record, document or communication that concerned the imposition of progressive discipline or sanction of any kind and/or the possibility of imposition of any progressive discipline or sanction of any kind against the Coach or his/her subordinate staff based upon a finding that the alleged infractions occurred.