Request Log

FOI #24-270 (05-27-24, 11:41 am) - Subject - Sexual assault

Name - Alexandria DeGunia

Affiliation - Student

Sexual assault case (entire file)
Case number #2400028553

FOI #24-269 (05-24-24, 4:18 pm) - Subject - Moms against anti-semitism

Name - Tomas Hinckley

Affiliation -

I am requesting all emails or communications with UConn administrators from the outside group “Moms against anti-semitism” and any of its members or people associated with the group. Key words may be “encampment” “M.AC.A” “antisemitism” “student protest”.
Persons of interest may be President Radenka Maric, Nathan Fuerst, Michelle Williams, Hans Rhynhart.

Thank you!

FOI #24-268 - Subject - Arrest Records

Name - Elaine Itkin

Affiliation -

Understand age and names of those arrested in the recent pro Palestinian Storrs encampment on campus.

FOI #24-267 - Subject - UCPD Complaints

Name - Liliana French

Affiliation -

I would like to request copies of all Civilian Complaint Forms submitted against UCPD officers and the UCPD through the complaint process from January 1, 2014 to the present.

FOI #24-266 (05-24-24, 11:53 am) - Subject - Faculty Evaluations - CT Children's Specialty Group

Name - Paige marut

Affiliation - Monarch Law LLC

Please accept this letter as a written request for information pursuant to the Freedom of Information Act.

Specifically, I request the following records from 01/01/2020 to 12/31/2023:

-All faculty evaluations submitted by residents placed at Connecticut Children's Specialty Group a/k/a Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford, CT.

-Documentation of any complaints submitted by residents about faculty members at Connecticut Children's Specialty Group a/k/a Connecticut Children's Medical Center in Hartford, CT.

FOI #24-265 (05-24-24, 11:53 am) - Subject - Bid Documents and Proposals Related to UConn's MRO Materials Warehouse Management

Name - Gary Nolan

Affiliation - University of Massachusetts Lowell

Good afternoon. I'm requesting copies of all documents related to the University of Connecticut's Request for Proposal, all related bid documents and all proposals related to the University's solicitation and implementation of a third-party service for MRO (maintenance, repair, and operations) supplies and warehouse management. Thank you.

FOI #24-264 - Subject - Award Nomination

Name - Shannon Miller

Affiliation - NBC

NBC CT would like to request a copy of the following materials from Emily Gomes’ award nomination:

1. Copy/copies of personal letter/s from the person/people who nominated Emily Gomes for the Outstanding School Administrator Award
2. Copy of Emily Gomes’ resume provided for the award
3. Copy/copies of a letter/s of support for the award
4. Copy of any supporting documentation submitted for the award including but not limited to publications, previous awards, news articles, etc.
5. Copy of Emily Gomes’ online nomination form for the award

FOI #24-263 - Subject - Athletics Records

Name - Thomas Riley

Affiliation - TCORS Attorneys

1) Any document, including electronic mail messages and text messages, Ms. Rebecca Dunstan received after her transfer from her position as Executive Director of Football Administration, which was addressed to, concerned, or was intended to be distributed or delivered to, Mr. James Mora.
2) Any document described in paragraph 1 above which Ms. Dunstan did not personally forward, distribute, or deliver to Mr. Mora.
3) Any document, including electronic mail messages and text messages, which concerns or reflects the efforts, if any, Ms. Dunstan or others made to forward, distribute. or deliver any document described in paragraph l above to Mr. Mora.

FOI #24-262 - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Thomas Riley

Affiliation - TCORS Attorneys

1) The complaint(s) filed with the University's Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) in OIE Case No. 23-0129 (Hereafter referred to as the "Complaint(s)"
2) Any document, including electronic mail or text messages, sent to or received by the Complainant in OIE Case No. 23-0129 or her counsel, on the one hand, and OIE, on the other hand.
3) Any Response or Request for Review filed by or on behalf of the Complainant relating to the OIE investigation reports on the Complaint(s).
4) Any document, including electronic mail or text messages, sent to or received by the Complainant in OIE Case No. 23-0129 or her counsel, on the one hand, and any other office, department, or unit of the University or any University employee or representative, on the other hand, concerning the Complaint(s) or the investigation of them.
5) Any document, including electronic mail or text messages, sent to or received by OIE, on the one hand, and counsel for the Respondents in OIE Case No. 0129, other than Thomas J. Riley, on the other hand.

FOI #24-261 (05-20-24, 3:19 pm) - Subject - OIE Reports

Name - Christine Brown

Affiliation - Nesenoff & Miltenberg

This request relates to evidence provided as part of OIE Case Nos. 23-0075 and 23-0083 regarding my client, Zongjie Wang. I formally request the release of all documents and records about my client that pertain to these investigations. Documents of specific interest are the letters provided as evidence against my client, including those from persons associated with the following institutions:

1. University of Tennessee, Knoxville
2. The Pennsylvania State University
3. Columbia University
4. New York University

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Alexandria DeGunia Student Sexual assault UConn Storrs Complete
Tomas Hinckley Moms against anti-semitism UConn Storrs No records available
Elaine Itkin Arrest Records UConn Storrs Complete
Liliana French UCPD Complaints UConn Storrs In progress
Paige marut Monarch Law LLC Faculty Evaluations - CT Children's Specialty Group UConn Health Complete
Gary Nolan University of Massachusetts Lowell Bid Documents and Proposals Related to UConn's MRO Materials Warehouse Management UConn Storrs Complete
Shannon Miller NBC Award Nomination UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Thomas Riley TCORS Attorneys Athletics Records UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Thomas Riley TCORS Attorneys OIE Records UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Christine Brown Nesenoff & Miltenberg OIE Reports UConn Storrs Complete