Request Log

FOI #24-280 - Subject - Construction

Name - Chad Brault

Affiliation -

This is a request under Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq. I am requesting that I be provided a copy of the following records:

Current project list for all CM and/or GC’s on site , Also Bid documents for any project that FIP construction has performed in the last 3 years .

I recognize that you may charge reasonable costs for copies, as well as for personnel time needed to comply with this request. Please inform me if the cost will exceed $50.00.
The Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq. requires a response in writing within four business days of such request, except when the request is determined to be subject to subsections (b) and (c) of section 1-214, in which case such denial shall be made, in writing, within ten business days. If access to the records I am requesting will take longer, please contact me with information about when I can expect copies or the ability to inspect the requested records.

FOI #24-279 - Subject - Men's Basketball

Name - Andrew Vargha

Affiliation -

I would like to make a public records request for the contracts for any men's and women's basketball non-conference games scheduled for the 2024-25 season. If completing this request in full would require a charge, please only complete as much as can be done for free; I do not want to pay any fees for this request.

FOI #24-278 - Subject - Men's Basketball

Name - Anthony Valentino

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, I’d like to request electronic copies of all non-conference game contracts for the 2024-2025 season for the University of Connecticut men's basketball program. Please advise if any other information is needed to fulfill this request. Thank you for your time, it is appreciated.

FOI #24-277 (06-3-24, 9:25 am) - Subject - University Bookstore Agreement

Name - Scott Sherman

Affiliation - eCampus

Please provide the current University Bookstore Agreement and all supporting/additional documents.

FOI #24-276 (05-30-24, 12:58 pm) - Subject - Joint Letter from Uconn and the town of Mansfield CT to the Department of Transportation

Name - Brian Coleman

Affiliation - Citizen

Please provide me with the draft copy of the DRAFT letter that was jointly written by the mayor of Mansfield Antonia Moran and the president of THe University of Connecticut concerning the pedestrian death on Rte 275 that was edited by Michael Kirk in a December 10, 2021 2:26 PM email to Ryan Aylesworth, Town Manager of Mansfield. In the email Mr. Kirk stated that he "took out the references from the town to the DOT since 2017" I am looking for the exact draft mentioned in Mr. Kirks email, UConn employee Cara Workman was also provide a copy of the edited draft with edits with tracking of all changes.

FOI #24-275 - Subject - FOI Request

Name - Jerald Lentini

Affiliation - Aaron Romano

1.Any and all statements, communications, audio and video recordings, photographs, chain of custody receipts, logs, emails, evidence receipts, or any other materials generated by your Department or received by any other individual or state agency relating in any way to the student encampment near the Dove Tower on the Storrs Campus, which was dismantled by law enforcement on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, and the arrest of student demonstrators therein;
2.Any and all communications, in whatever form, including, but not limited to, emails, intranet, text alerts, social media posts, intra-office Slack channels or other messaging apps, and memoranda, between UCONN administrators, police, faculty, staff, students, alumni, or any other parties between October 7, 2023 and May 20, 2024 concerning assemblies of people on campus;
3.Any and all communications, in whatever form, including, but not limited to, emails, intranet, text alerts, social media posts, intra-office Slack channels or other messaging apps, and memoranda, between UCONN administrators, police, faculty, staff, students, or any other parties between October 7, 2023 and May 20, 2024 mentioning the terms “October 7,” “Oct. 7,” “anti-Semitism,” “Jewish,” “Jews” “Israel,” “Palestine,” “encampment,” “demonstration,” “protest,” “divestment,” “hostages,” “genocide,” “Gaza,” or “tents” “islamophobia,” “Hillel,” “Chabad,” “Students for Justice in Palestine,” “SJP,” “Muslim Student’s Association,” “MSA,” “UCONN Unchained,” “Fossil Fuel Free UCONN,” “Jewish Voice for Peace,” “JVP”;
4.Any and all communications, in whatever form, including, but not limited to, emails, intranet, text alerts, social media posts, intra-office Slack channels or other messaging apps, and memoranda, pertaining to or mentioning “camping” on the Storrs campus between October 7, 2023 and April 24, 2024;
5.Any and all radio and cellular communications, including but not limited to radio calls, dispatch records, text messages, and/or Slack messages, between UCONN administrators, police, faculty, staff, students, alumni, or any other parties pertaining to or mentioning the student encampment near the Dove Tower on the Storrs Campus, between April 23, 2024 and May 20, 2024;
6.Any and all communications originating from or received by the Office of the President between October 7, 2023 and May 20, 2024 concerning any marches, demonstrations, posting of handbills or posters, or specific students/faculty/staff members who were participating in any organized political activity on campus; and
7.All communications in whatever form, between UCONN administrators, police, faculty, staff, students, or any other parties between April 23, 2024 and April 30, 2024 concerning requests for or offers of assistance from other police agencies and departments pertaining to the police action which took place on April 30, 2024 against the student encampment erected near the Dove Tower on the Storrs Campus.

FOI #24-274 - Subject - FOI Request

Name - Jerald Lentini

Affiliation - Aaron Romano

1.Any and all police reports, statements, communications, audio and video recordings including but not limited to drone footage and body-worn camera recordings, photographs, chain of custody receipts, logs, emails, evidence receipts, or any other materials generated by your Department or received by any other individual or state agency, including the University of Connecticut, relating in any way to the student encampment near the Dove Tower on the Storrs Campus, which was dismantled by law enforcement on Tuesday, April 30, 2024, and the arrest of student demonstrators therein;
2.All communications in whatever form, between UCONN police, administrators, faculty, staff, students, or any other parties between October 7, 2023 and May 20, 2024 concerning any and all assemblies of people on campus;
3.All communications in whatever form, between UCONN police, administrators, faculty, staff, students, or any other parties between October 7, 2023 and May 20, 2024 mentioning the terms “October 7,” “Oct. 7,” “anti-Semitism,” “Jewish,” “Jews” “Israel,” “Palestine,” “encampment,” “demonstration,” “protest,” “divestment,” “hostages,” “genocide,” “Gaza,” or “tents” “islamophobia,” “Hillel,” “Chabad,” “Students for Justice in Palestine,” “SJP,” “Muslim Student’s Association,” “MSA,” “UCONN Unchained,” “Fossil Fuel Free UCONN,” “Jewish Voice for Peace,” “JVP”;
4.Any and all communications, in whatever form, including, but not limited to, emails, intranet, text alerts, text messages, social media posts, intra-office Slack channels or other messaging apps, and memoranda, pertaining to or mentioning “camping” on the Storrs campus between January 1, 2024 and April 24, 2024;
5.Any and all radio and cellular communications, including but not limited to radio calls, dispatch records, text messages, and/or Slack messages, among, originating from, or received by UCONN Police Department officers pertaining to or mentioning the student encampment near the Dove Tower on the Storrs Campus, between April 24, 2024 and May 20, 2024;
6.Any and all communications among, originating from, or received by UCONN Police Department officers between October 7, 2023 and May 20, 2024 concerning any marches, demonstrations, posting of handbills or posters, or specific students/faculty/staff members who were participating in any organized political or religious activity on campus
7.All communications in whatever form, between UCONN police, administrators, faculty, staff, students, or any other parties between April 23, 2024 and April 30, 2024 concerning requests for or offers of assistance from other police agencies and departments pertaining to the police action which took place on April 30, 2024 against the student encampment erected near the Dove Tower on the Storrs Campus.

FOI #24-273 (05-29-24, 11:56 am) - Subject - University Senate meeting recording

Name - Alison Cross

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am requesting a video recording of the May 20, 2024 special meeting of the University Senate and a draft of the meeting minutes if available. Thank you.

FOI #24-272 - Subject - Purchasing Records

Name - Misty Ruhlman

Affiliation - SmartProcure

SmartProcure is submitting a public records request to the University of Connecticut for any and all purchasing records from 3/18/2024 to current. The request is limited to readily available records without physically copying, scanning, or printing paper documents. Any editable electronic document is acceptable.

The specific information requested from your record-keeping system is:

1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address

FOI #24-271 - Subject - Football Staff

Name - Max Josef

Affiliation -

I hope this message finds you well. I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: most updated long-form employment contracts, appointment letters, and 24-25 salary information for men's football staff members:

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Chad Brault Construction UConn Storrs No records available
Andrew Vargha Men's Basketball UConn Storrs Premature request
Anthony Valentino Men's Basketball UConn Storrs Premature request
Scott Sherman eCampus University Bookstore Agreement UConn Storrs Complete
Brian Coleman Citizen Joint Letter from Uconn and the town of Mansfield CT to the Department of Transportation UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Jerald Lentini Aaron Romano FOI Request UConn Storrs In progress
Jerald Lentini Aaron Romano FOI Request UConn Storrs In progress
Alison Cross Hartford Courant University Senate meeting recording UConn Storrs Complete
Misty Ruhlman SmartProcure Purchasing Records UConn Storrs Complete
Max Josef Football Staff UConn Storrs Complete