Request Log

FOI #24-290 (06-7-24, 11:24 am) - Subject - Coaching Contracts

Name - Chad Mervis

Affiliation -

All appointment letters, reappointment letters, salary addendums, amendments, or performance incentive letters for the following employees:

1. Men’s Head Basketball Coach
2. Men’s Basketball Associate Head Coach
3. Men’s Basketball Assistant Coaches (2 full-time employees or contractors)
4. Men’s Basketball Director of Sports Performance
5. Women’s Head Basketball Coach
6. Women’s Basketball Associate Head Coach (1 full-time employees or contractors)
7. Women’s Basketball Assistant Coaches (4 full-time employees or contractors)

FOI #24-289 - Subject - Purchase Orders

Name - Justin Cunningham

Affiliation -

Dear FOIA Officer,I am writing to request access to and copies of records under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act..

We are looking for an existing, already maintained electronic record (without copying, scanning, or printing) of purchase orders dated 2022-01-01 onward. The information requested is:

1. Purchase date
2. Vendor name
3. Line item details
4. Line item quantity
5. Line item price

FOI #24-288 (06-6-24, 4:29 pm) - Subject - FOI copies upon completion

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - Student

Copies of the results from the following related requests upon completion, excluding those found to be exempt. Thank you!

FOI #24-275,
FOI #24-274;
FOI #24-273;
FOI #24-268;
FOI #24-246;
FOI #24-241;
FOI #24-240;
FOI #24-236;
FOI #24-230;
FOI #24-226;
FOI #24-217;
FOI #24-216,
FOI #24-215 (these two have been completed);
FOI #24-214,
FOI #24-213,
FOI #24-212,
FOI #24-211,
FOI #24-210;
FOI #24-209;
FOI #24-205;
FOI #24-202;
FOI #24-200;
FOI #24-199;
FOI #24-198;
FOI #24-196;
FOI #24-195;
FOI #24-194;
FOI #24-193.

FOI #24-287 - Subject - Geno Auriemma

Name - John Gabriel

Affiliation -

I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: the new Employment Agreement/Term Sheet/MOU/LOA/Offer Letter/ReAppointment Letter/Extension Letter/Amendment/Addendum/etc for UConn Head Basketball Coach Geno Auriemma.

FOI #24-286 - Subject - Dan Hurley

Name - Sam Smink

Affiliation -

I'd like to request a copy of Dan Hurley's contract.

FOI #24-285 (06-6-24, 9:36 am) - Subject - RFP # KA012924 -Student Health Insurance

Name - Tyler Saremi

Affiliation - Insurance For Students Inc.

Scorecard the committee used to base their decision on the winner of the Student Insurance Contract
The questions asked of Smith Brothers and Wellfleet after finalist presentation
Wellfleet and Smith Brothers Annual Student Pricing in the sealed bid before the best and final was requested during finalist presentation.
Wellfleet and Smith Brothers "Best and Final" offer as of deadline for BAFO due date of May 9th 2024
Please provide information as to the dates and names of RFP # KA012924 -Student Health Insurance scoring committee members that have served on the Board of Advisors at Wellfleet aka Wellfleet Student Board of Advisors or any other Advisory Board for Wellfleet Student in the past several years.

FOI #24-284 - Subject - Geno Auriemma Contract Extension

Name - Daniel Hortenstine

Affiliation -

I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of the following public records: the most updated long-form employment contracts, appointment letters, contract amendments, and salary information for Head Women's Basketball Coach Geno Auriema pursuant to the contract extension below.'s%20contract%20extension%2C%20which%20runs,form%20of%20performance%2Dbased%20incentives.

If there are any fees for searching or copying these records, please inform me of the cost. However, I would also like to request a waiver of all fees in that the disclosure of the requested information is in the public interest. If you deny any or all of this request, please cite each specific exemption you feel justifies the refusal to release the information and notify me of the appeal procedures available to me under the law.

Thank you for considering my request.

FOI #24-283 - Subject - Geno Auriemma

Name - Steve Berkowitz

Affiliation - Sports Projects Reporter

I am looking for the amendment or new contract with Geno Auriemma

FOI #24-282 (06-4-24, 3:10 pm) - Subject - Employment contract

Name - Eben Novy-Williams

Affiliation - Sportico

Pursuant to the state's open records laws, I am requesting digital copies of any employment contract, extensions, or MOU (with incentive structure, if separate) signed between the school and head women's basketball coach Geno Auriemma. Thanks.

FOI #24-281 (06-4-24, 3:10 pm) - Subject - Contract

Name - Paul Doyle

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media Group

I am requesting a copy of women's basketball coach Geno Auriemma's latest contract, announced on June 4, 2024.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Chad Mervis Coaching Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Justin Cunningham Purchase Orders UConn Storrs Complete
Student Student Student FOI copies upon completion UConn Storrs In progress
John Gabriel Geno Auriemma UConn Storrs Complete
Sam Smink Dan Hurley UConn Storrs Complete
Tyler Saremi Insurance For Students Inc. RFP # KA012924 -Student Health Insurance UConn Storrs Premature request
Daniel Hortenstine Geno Auriemma Contract Extension UConn Storrs Complete
Steve Berkowitz Sports Projects Reporter Geno Auriemma UConn Storrs Complete
Eben Novy-Williams Sportico Employment contract UConn Storrs Complete
Paul Doyle Hearst Connecticut Media Group Contract UConn Storrs Complete