FOI #17-187 (09-28-17, 6:40 pm) - Subject - FOIA request
Name - Ali Hosseini
Affiliation -
Contact information and a copy of Purchase Order P0253528 Date: 10/21/2015 Amount: $50,499.10. Also please send me the end user information and department information.
The names, email addresses, year in school, and major of every student that attends University of Connecticut this current Fall 2017 semester, including freshmen.
FOI #17-182 - Subject - Internal Revenue Code Section 179D
Name - William Volker
Affiliation - Efficiency Energy, LLC
Copies of public records pertaining to Internal Revenue Code Section 179D Special Rule for Government-Owned Buildings and allocations made thereunder. Specifically, please provide any and all emails and attachments sent or received by University of Connecticut staff email addresses to/from the following domain: You may limit the search to the last 7 years (2010-2017).
All email correspondence - including attachments - to or from or CC'd or BCC'd to Pat Baird to or from any staff or employees of the following organizations (1) The Coca-Cola Company; (2) The American Beverage Association. The time period covered by this request is from January 1, 2012 to the present.
FOI #17-185 (09-26-17, 10:57 am) - Subject - Government relations
Name - Allan Blutstein
Affiliation - America Rising
1. All email exchanged between Gail Bysiewicz-Garber (Government Relations) and any staff at the Governor's office regarding budget issues. 2. All email exchanged between Joann Lombardo (Government Relations) and any staff at the Governor's office regarding budget issues.