FOI #17-248 - Subject - Athletics Coaches Contracts
Name - Debbie Rapier
Affiliation - Xavier University
Disclosure of the base salary and total compensation of the Men’s Basketball Head Coach, the Women’s Basketball Head Coach and the Athletic Director respectively for the calendar years 2016 and 2017.
I would like to formally request for the Bid Tabulation/Individual bid items for this project: Project Title/Name: Northwest Quad Science One Site Improvements & Phase 2 Utility Tunnel; Bid number: 300050.
FOI #17-245 - Subject - Communication Re: Free Speech
Name - Mark Trammell
Affiliation - Young America's Foundation
Any and all records of communication sent from or received by President Susan Herbst; Vice President of Student Affairs, Michael Gilbert; and Associate Vice President and Chief Diversity Officer, Joelle Murchinson containing any of the following terms: "Free Speech"; "Events sponsored by student groups"; "Guidelines for speakers"; "Student-sponsored programs"; "Controversial".
Copies of any and all settlement agreements entered into by UConn with any individual in connection with the resolution of CHRO/EEOC claims in the last four (4) months (Sept to December, 2017).
Affiliation - Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group
1. All "Off Campus Event Notification Forms" and other sources of information about parties and events to be held by any club or organization including all fraternities and sororities in OFF-CAMPUS locations within MANSFIELD, CT, November 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017. 2. All advisor (or delegatee) notes from phone calls, email, meetings or other sources regarding fraternity/sorority events being held off campus November 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017. 3. All correspondence, notes, and email between any university personnel and any fraternity/sorority council regarding events held or planned to be held off-campus November 1, 2017 through November 30, 2017.
FOI #17-242 - Subject - APiR Search Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (job search # 2017525)
Name - Student Student
Affiliation -
Copy of the documents pertaining to a search for the APiR position in the Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology that took place this August-September at the Stamford regional campus.