Request Log

FOI #17-258 - Subject - Athletics Contracts

Name - Paul Ricci

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the state open records act, I request access to and electronic copies of the most recent salaries and employment contracts (if existing) of the following employees: 1. Maureen Butler 2. Chris West 3. Joel DeMarco 4. Amanda Kimball 5. Erik Klein 6. Ed Streit. If the individuals requested do not have employment contracts with the university; I would like to request their most current salary information.

FOI #17-257 - Subject - Off Campus Housing Maps

Name - David Russell

Affiliation -

Updated maps for the area around off campus housing (Carriage House, Celeron, and Cedar Ridge) similar to January 1991 map titled Water Supply Line, Off Campus Supply Line.

FOI #17-256 (12-27-17, 12:11 pm) - Subject - White House visit

Name - Craig Fehrman

Affiliation -

Pursuant to the state open records law Conn. Gen. Stat. Secs. 1-200 to 1-242, I am requesting electronic copies of the following public records: -- Any documents sent from or received by UConn's Athletic Department referring to or relating to the visit between President Obama and the university's men's AND women's basketball teams in the spring of 2014. (Documents here might include but are not limited to emails and text message, of course, but also logs of phone calls, private messages on social media, personal emails, handwritten notes, memos from meetings, drafts of public statements, and so on.)

FOI #17-255 - Subject - Body Worn Camera

Name - Michael Kurpiewski

Affiliation -

Copy of law school body worn camera video event.

FOI #17-254 - Subject - UConn West Hartford Lease

Name - Ross Offinger

Affiliation -

The lease between the town of West Hartford and the University of Connecticut regarding the land used as playing fields on the West Hartford UCONN campus.

FOI #17-253 (12-21-17, 10:41 am) - Subject - Mailbox Content

Name - Mehmet Cihan

Affiliation - Self-employed

I would like to request all contents from my prior mailbox

FOI #17-252 - Subject - Purchase Orders

Name - Curtis Blanding

Affiliation - SmartProcure

Any and all purchasing records from 2017-08-16 (yyyy-mm-dd) to current. The specific information requested from your record keeping system is: 1. Purchase order number. If purchase orders are not used a comparable substitute is acceptable, i.e., invoice, encumbrance, or check number 2. Purchase date 3. Line item details (Detailed description of the purchase) 4. Line item quantity 5. Line item price 6. Vendor ID number, name, address, contact person and their email address

FOI #17-251 - Subject - Ollie Contract

Name - Jared Kohlenberg

Affiliation -

Per the FOIA, I am requesting a copy of Kevin Ollie’s most current contract. Please provide me with any and all documents reflecting the terms and conditions of the employment of the Coach and assistant coaches. These documents should include, but not limited to, the following information: (i) base salary (ii) performance bonuses; (iii) fringe benefits such as insurance packages, annuities, vacation, automobiles, housing, travel and country club memberships (iv) termination provisions (including the terms of any buyout and rollover provisions); and (v) all other income or benefits paid by the institution to the head basketball coach. I am also requesting any information or documents in effect regarding any supplemental income or benefits received by Coach from third-party sources which are received as a direct result of his coaching position with the university (whether or not considered as part of the total compensation package) including, but not limited to, shoe, apparel and equipment contracts, endorsements, radio and/or television contracts, summer camps, and instructional media. If such information is not available, please provide a good faith estimate of such information.

FOI #17-250 (12-19-17, 5:54 pm) - Subject - RFP 201434

Name - Sarah Loucks

Affiliation - Advent

Can you please provide all responses that were submitted June 5, 2017 for the RFP 201434 Werth Family Basketball Champions Center.

FOI #17-249 - Subject - 2017 CHRO/EEOC Claims

Name - Christine Cieplinski

Affiliation -

Copies of any and all agreements entered into by UConn or its representatives with any individual(s) or entities in connection with the resolution of CHRO and/or EEOC claims in calendar year 2017.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Paul Ricci Athletics Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
David Russell Off Campus Housing Maps UConn Storrs Complete
Craig Fehrman White House visit UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Kurpiewski Body Worn Camera UConn Regional Campus Complete
Ross Offinger UConn West Hartford Lease UConn Regional Campus Complete
Mehmet Cihan Self-employed Mailbox Content UConn Storrs Complete
Curtis Blanding SmartProcure Purchase Orders UConn Storrs Complete
Jared Kohlenberg Ollie Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Sarah Loucks Advent RFP 201434 UConn Storrs Complete
Christine Cieplinski 2017 CHRO/EEOC Claims UConn Storrs Complete