Request Log

FOI #18-009 (01-6-18, 1:35 am) - Subject - UConn West Hartford

Name - Scott Zweig

Affiliation -

Purchase and sale agreement between the University of Connecticut and the Town of West Hartford with respect to the UConn West Hartford branch property located at 1700 Asylum Ave and 1800 Asylum Ave, West Hartford, CT.

FOI #18-008 (01-5-18, 7:56 pm) - Subject - Athletics Apparel

Name - Joseph Pisani

Affiliation - The Associated Press

1. All email messages, including attachments, and text messages from Sept. 9, 2016 to Nov. 6, 2016, that contain the words Nike, Adidas or Under Armour in the subject, body, to, from, CC or BCC fields of the message received or sent by: Kevin Ollie ( or Ricky Moore (
2. All email messages, including attachments, and text messages from Nov. 11, 2016 to March 29, 2017, that contain the words Nike, Adidas or Under Armour in the subject, body, to, from, CC or BCC fields of the mail message received or sent by: Kevin Ollie ( or Ricky Moore (
3. All email messages, including attachments, and text messages from April 6, 2017 to April 19, 2017, that contain the words Nike, Adidas or Under Armour in the subject, body, to, from, CC or BCC fields of the mail message received or sent by: Kevin Ollie ( or Ricky Moore (
4. All email messages, including attachments, and text messages from April 21, 2017 to April 30, 2017, that contain the words Nike, Adidas or Under Armour in the subject, body, to, from, CC or BCC fields of the mail message received or sent by: Kevin Ollie ( or Ricky Moore (
5. Any and all written communications and any written documents between the basketball staff above and representatives from Nike, Adidas or Under Armour made from Sept. 9, 2016 and Nov. 6, 2016; Nov. 11, 2016 to March 29, 2017; April 6, 2017 to April 19, 2017; April 21, 2017 to April 30, 2017.
6. All calendars, schedules and phone logs of the basketball coaching staff above that reference Nike, Adidas and Under Armour and any of its individuals or representatives during the following dates: Sept. 9, 2016 and Nov. 6, 2016; Nov. 11, 2016 to March 29, 2017; April 6, 2017 to April 19, 2017; April 21, 2017 to April 30, 2017.

FOI #18-007 - Subject - Outlook Mailbox

Name - Shungu Garaba

Affiliation -

Copy of outlook mailbox.

FOI #18-006 - Subject - Request for Video Surveillance

Name - Gerard McEnery

Affiliation - McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan LLC

Waterbury Regional Campus surveillance video taped on December 22, 2017.

FOI #18-005 - Subject - Athletics Apparel Sponsorship Contract

Name - Chris White

Affiliation - Courier Journal

Copies of the University of Connecticut athletic department's most recent apparel sponsorship contracts. This would include the current contract, the contract that immediately preceded it and any existing contract that has yet to take effect.

FOI #18-004 - Subject - Athletics Apparel

Name - Chris White

Affiliation - Courier Journal

Copies of invoices or other documentation of purchases made or goods obtained under the terms of the University of Connecticut athletics department's apparel deals beginning Jan. 1, 2013 and running through Dec. 18, 2017.

FOI #18-003 (01-3-18, 11:03 am) - Subject - sexual harassment settlements

Name - Melissa Korn

Affiliation - Wall Street Journal

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act § 1-200 et seq., I request that you make available for inspection and copying any and all records that detail financial settlements related to sexual harassment and/or sexual assault allegations by or against students, faculty and staff within the University of Connecticut -- Storrs campus. I am looking specifically for settlements made in calendar 2016 and 2017 related to sexual misconduct.

FOI #18-002 (01-3-18, 11:03 am) - Subject - Susan Herbst emails

Name - Nathan Rubbelke

Affiliation - The College Fix

I am requesting an opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of any and all emails sent and received by University of Connecticut President Susan Herbst between 11/20/2017 and 12/20/2017 that contain any of the following words or phrases: "lucian," "wintrich," "gateway pundit,” “speaker,” or “college republicans”

FOI #18-001 - Subject - Title IX Office

Name - Ellee Watson

Affiliation - CBS News

I am requesting to inspect or obtain copies of any and all records between the dates of January 1, 2015 and January 2, 2018 that: (1) List the budget for the University of Connecticut’s Title IX Office (2) List the Title IX’s office staff number and job descriptions.

FOI #17-259 - Subject - Disciplinary Records

Name - Brian Coleman

Affiliation -

(1) Results of any disciplinary action taken against designated employees in regards to the complaints I made earlier this summer, the case was completed on Dec, 15 2017. (2) Also I would like to know the exact date that a designated employee began payroll.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Scott Zweig UConn West Hartford UConn Regional Campus Complete
Joseph Pisani The Associated Press Athletics Apparel UConn Storrs Complete
Shungu Garaba Outlook Mailbox UConn Storrs Complete
Gerard McEnery McEnery Price Messey & Sullivan LLC Request for Video Surveillance UConn Regional Campus Complete
Chris White Courier Journal Athletics Apparel Sponsorship Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Chris White Courier Journal Athletics Apparel UConn Storrs Complete
Melissa Korn Wall Street Journal sexual harassment settlements UConn Storrs Complete
Nathan Rubbelke The College Fix Susan Herbst emails UConn Storrs Complete
Ellee Watson CBS News Title IX Office UConn Storrs Complete
Brian Coleman Disciplinary Records UConn Storrs Complete