Request Log

FOI #18-019 (01-15-18, 12:23 pm) - Subject - Sexual, abuse harassment investigations

Name - Diane Lederman

Affiliation - Springfield Newspapers

I am looking for all public records pertaining to sexual abuse, misconduct and harassment charges filed at UConn in the last five years as well as specifics as allowed by law - how many are still active? How many are still unresolved? The disposition for all the filings. Also is there a breakdown between graduate students, undergraduates, colleagues.

FOI #18-018 (01-12-18, 10:24 am) - Subject - Listign of Professors and Administrators

Name - Patrick Brennan

Affiliation - William Pitt Sotheby's International Real Estate

List of faculty, staff and administration names and email addresses.

FOI #18-017 - Subject - RFP KA022916

Name - Dave Hill

Affiliation - Ford & Paulekas, LLP

Copies of the winning/selected bids for the above-referenced RFP, including the bid submissions made by the successful bidder(s).

FOI #18-016 - Subject - Student Directory Information

Name - Kelsey Cook

Affiliation - CORT

List of all matriculated students, including graduate students and their email addresses along with their year in school.

FOI #18-015 - Subject - UConn Athletics Travel Contract

Name - Charles Rukstela

Affiliation - Rukstela Charter Service

Copy of the UConn Athletics Travel contract with Anthony Travel.

FOI #18-014 - Subject - Environmental report on UCONN West Hartford Campus

Name - Ross Offinger

Affiliation -

Any correspondence between the University of Connecticut and the Department of Energy and Environmental Protection relating to the West Hartford UCONN campus.

FOI #18-013 - Subject - Mens Basketball Coaches Contracts

Name - Chandler Burks

Affiliation -

Employment contracts of all the current Men's Basketball Coaches at University of Connecticut.

FOI #18-012 - Subject - Expenditure Information

Name - Jennie Smith

Affiliation - Acme Research

Capital and operating expenditures for payments made by or on behalf of The University of Connecticut System during fiscal year 2017 over $5,000.

FOI #18-011 - Subject - Off Campus Event Notification Forms

Name - Lisa Ward

Affiliation - Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group

1. All "Off Campus Event Notification Forms" and other sources of information about parties and events to be held by any club or organization including all fraternities and sororities in OFF-CAMPUS locations within Mansfield, CT, December 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.

2. All advisor (or delegatee) notes from phone calls, email, meetings or other sources regarding fraternity/sorority events being held off campus December 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.

3. All correspondence, notes, and email between any university personnel and any fraternity/sorority council regarding events held or planned to be held off-campus December 1, 2017 through December 31, 2017.

FOI #18-010 - Subject - McElroy Contract

Name - Matthew Guariglia

Affiliation -

Any contracts held between the University of Connecticut and the firm McElroy, Deutsch, Mulvaney & Carpenter.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Diane Lederman Springfield Newspapers Sexual, abuse harassment investigations UConn Storrs Complete
Patrick Brennan William Pitt Sotheby's International Real Estate Listign of Professors and Administrators UConn Storrs Complete
Dave Hill Ford & Paulekas, LLP RFP KA022916 UConn Storrs Complete
Kelsey Cook CORT Student Directory Information UConn Storrs Denied - Exempt
Charles Rukstela Rukstela Charter Service UConn Athletics Travel Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Ross Offinger Environmental report on UCONN West Hartford Campus UConn Regional Campus Complete
Chandler Burks Mens Basketball Coaches Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Jennie Smith Acme Research Expenditure Information UConn Storrs Complete
Lisa Ward Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group Off Campus Event Notification Forms UConn Storrs Complete
Matthew Guariglia McElroy Contract UConn Storrs Complete