Request Log

FOI #18-049 (02-6-18, 12:59 pm) - Subject - RFP#: 5-2807 Clinical Revenue Cycle Management

Name - Denise Manero

Affiliation - Optum

I would like to request a copy of the original bid, all submitted proposals and the final contract for your recent bid number 5-2807, Clinical Revenue Cycle Management.

FOI #18-048 - Subject - Residential Life

Name - Rebecca Shafer

Affiliation - Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group

I hereby request, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes sec 1-210, electronic copies of the following data and documents. The term "dormitory" is meant to include any UConn owned, rented, used or controlled facility including hotels or apartments, on campus as well as off campus, used to house students. The data requested, as shown below, is for each individual academic year for the period 1998 through 2018 - NOT aggregate data for this entire twenty year period. 1- Definition of an "Active Bed" and an "Inactive Bed". 2- List of the number of Active and the Inactive Beds available on the Storrs Campus available to Undergraduate Students each year from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory. 3- List of the number of Active and the Inactive Beds available on the Storrs Campus available to Graduate Students each year from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory.
4- List of single rooms were used to house more than one person, each year, from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory. 5- List of double rooms were used to house more than two persons, each year, from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory. 6- List of triple rooms were used to house more than three persons, each year, from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory. 7- List of triple rooms were used to house more than four persons, each year, from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory. 8- List of quadruple rooms were used to house more than five persons, each year, from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory. 9- List other rooms which have housed more or less than originally planned, each year, from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory. 10- List of "common or living areas" were used to house more students than were originally planned, each year, from 1998 through 2018 with the name of the corresponding dormitory and the number of beds in these areas.

FOI #18-047 - Subject - OIE Records

Name - Matt Kauffman

Affiliation -

Copies of the following records: (1) All memoranda prepared by the Office of Institutional Equity, or any similar or predecessor office, containing findings and recommendations following an investigation of alleged sexual harassment or assault, which allegation was lodged against a member of the faculty or staff of the University (including the University of Connecticut Health Center and any other University branch), and which memoranda were prepared from August 2007 to the present. (2) Records of financial settlements related to allegations of sexual harassment or sexual assault by or against students, faculty or staff of any branch of the University, which settlements were approved during the calendar years 2008 to 2015, inclusive.

FOI #18-046 - Subject - Athletics Records

Name - Matt Kauffman

Affiliation - The Hartford Courant

Copies of the following records: (1) All invoices submitted by or on behalf of the law firm Lightfoot, Franklin & White or any of its employees, from April 1, 2017 to the date at which this request in fulfilled. (2) Documents related to complimentary men’s basketball-game tickets made available pursuant to employment contracts with University of Connecticut coaches or other employees, showing the provider, the recipient, the game date and the ticket quantity, for games played during the basketball seasons from 2012-2013 to the current season, inclusive. (3) Documents related to complimentary men’s basketball-game tickets made available to student athletes, showing the provider, the recipient, the game date and the ticket quantity, for games played during the basketball seasons from 2012-2013 to the current season, inclusive. (4) Documents related to complimentary tickets to games other than men’s basketball made available pursuant to the University’s employment contract with Men’s Basketball Coach Kevin Ollie, showing the sport, the recipient, the game date and the ticket quantity, for games played from the fall of 2012 to the date on which this request is fulfilled. (5) Documents related to complimentary tickets to games other than men’s basketball made available pursuant to the University’s employment contract with Men’s Basketball Assistant Coach Ricky Moore, showing the sport, the recipient, the game date and the ticket quantity, for games played from the fall of 2012 to the date on which this request is fulfilled. (6) Telephone-call records for all cell phones provided to Men’s Basketball Coach Kevin Ollie, from September 1, 2012 to the date on which this request is fulfilled, showing the date, time and duration of each call and the telephone number called or from which a call was received. (7) Text message records for all cell phones or other devices provided to Men’s Basketball Coach Kevin Ollie, from September 1, 2012 to the date on which this request is fulfilled, showing the date, time and direction of the message (incoming or outgoing) and the telephone number, email address or other unique identifier for the recipient or sender of the message. (8) Telephone-call records for all cell phones provided to Men’s Basketball Assistant Coach Ricky Moore, from September 1, 2012 to the date on which this request is fulfilled, showing the date, time and duration of each call and the telephone number called or from which a call was received. (9) Text message records for all cell phones or other devices provided to Men’s Basketball Assistant Coach Ricky Moore, from September 1, 2012 to the date on which this request is fulfilled, showing the date, time and direction of the message (incoming or outgoing) and the telephone number, email address or other unique identifier for the recipient or sender of the message.

FOI #18-045 - Subject - RFP# JW120916: Fixed Route Service Provision

Name - Tina Kirk

Affiliation -

The specific documents that we are looking for are: (1) technical proposals for all respondents other than First Transit; (2) cost proposals and BAFO cost proposals of all respondents other than First Transit; (3) all evaluation materials generated by the evaluation committee; and (4) the written staff recommendation submitted to your governing board.

FOI #18-044 - Subject - Award Information Bid Number JAW071917

Name - Tarah Reed

Affiliation - e.Republic

Award Documents (bid tabulation, award letter) and the proposal response by the winning vendor for the following bid(s): Name: Warehouse Management Solution; Bid Number: JAW07191; Due Date: 8/30/17.

FOI #18-043 - Subject - Freshens Contract

Name - John Jacquinet

Affiliation -

Copy of the contract between UConn and Freshens.

FOI #18-042 - Subject - Athletics Compliance

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - The Hartford Courant

(1) Any contract between UConn and the law firm of Lightfoot, Franklin & White for athletics compliance, dating back to August 2017. (2) I am also requesting any report and/or findings produced by the university and/or Lightfoot, Franklin & White based on the NCAA-mandated internal review following allegations directed at men’s basketball programs last fall.

FOI #18-041 (01-31-18, 3:30 pm) - Subject - Faculty list

Name - Kevin Schiller

Affiliation - CourseCard, Inc.

First name, last name, title, college dept./unit, work email address, and institution mailing address. If this information is available in an Excel file that would be greatly appreciated.

FOI #18-040 (01-31-18, 3:30 pm) - Subject - Faculty list

Name - Kevin Schiller

Affiliation - CourseCard, Inc.

First name, last name, title, college dept./unit, work email address, and institution mailing address. If this information is available in an Excel file that would be greatly appreciated.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Denise Manero Optum RFP#: 5-2807 Clinical Revenue Cycle Management UConn Health Complete
Rebecca Shafer Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group Residential Life UConn Storrs Complete
Matt Kauffman OIE Records UConn Storrs Complete
Matt Kauffman The Hartford Courant Athletics Records UConn Storrs Complete
Tina Kirk RFP# JW120916: Fixed Route Service Provision UConn Storrs Complete
Tarah Reed e.Republic Award Information Bid Number JAW071917 UConn Storrs Premature request
John Jacquinet Freshens Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Brechlin The Hartford Courant Athletics Compliance UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Schiller CourseCard, Inc. Faculty list UConn Regional Campus Complete
Kevin Schiller CourseCard, Inc. Faculty list UConn Health Complete