Request Log

FOI #17-214 - Subject - RFP #KA050417

Name - Cody Brumgard

Affiliation - Open Minds

SOLICITATION NUMBER: KA050417 SOLICITATION TITLE: Connecticut Seeks Services for the Hearing-Impaired SOLICITATION DUE DATE: 5/31/2017 Please provide: (1) Name, contact person, mailing address, e-mail address, and telephone number of the organization(s) awarded a contract as a result of this solicitation (2) Contract award date (3) Contract award period (4) Contract award amount (5) List of additional organizations that responded to this RFP (6) Copy of the winning proposal

FOI #17-213 - Subject - First Transit

Name - Kevin Dees

Affiliation -

First Transit outsourced campus transportation: 1. Please share the contract, RFP and proposal for this agreement. 2. Please share the University jobs that were outsourced to First Transit. a) All Job Functions b) Employee total cost to Company c) Contract employees d) Full time employees 3. Monthly Ridership numbers. 4. Bus Advertising pricing model 5. Monthly Profit & Loss prior to outsourcing 6. Profit & Loss statements post transition 7. Please include the total funding model that supports this transportation service. 8. Please share the bus fleet details.

FOI #17-212 - Subject - OACE Investigation Report

Name - Patricia Williams

Affiliation - UCPEA

Copy of the Final Report for Chemistry, File # UOC 17-05-0004.

FOI #17-211 - Subject - Transportation

Name - Kevin Dees

Affiliation -

1. Can you provide a functional organization chart of UCONN’s transportation? Please include headcount (mechanics, drivers, managers, admin staff, etc.) 2. Funding Model: Is this calculated by student credit hours? or is there another method? 3. What has been the total amount funded(yearly) for the past five years? 4. What revenue is generated by in bus advertising past 5 years? 5. Is the transportation’s charter services the sole provider of ground transportation for all UCONN scholastic activities (including sports)? 6. Are revenues from parking fees used to support transportation services?

FOI #17-210 - Subject - Off Campus Event Notification Forms

Name - Carol Isakson

Affiliation - Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group

1- all "Off Campus Event Notification Forms" and other sources of information about parties and events to be held by any club or organization including all fraternities and sororities in OFF-CAMPUS locations within MANSFIELD, CT from October 1, 2017 through October 31, 2017. 2- all advisor (or delegatee) notes from phone calls, email, meetings or other sources regarding fraternity/sorority events being held off campus from October 1, 2017 through October 31, 2017. 3- all correspondence, notes, and email between any university personnel and any fraternity/sorority council regarding events held or planned to be held off-campus from October 1, 2017 through October 31, 2017.

FOI #17-209 - Subject - Title IX

Name - Eduardo Ortiz

Affiliation -

I am requesting the opportunity to inspect or obtain copies of public records regarding Title IX. Aspects of this history include crimes such as sexual assault, IPV and stalking. I am requesting records from 1997-2017 regarding crimes that fall under the categories of sexual assault, IPV and stalking.

FOI #17-208 - Subject - Generator Maintenance Bid

Name - Joseph Adamek

Affiliation - H. O. Penn Machinery Co., Inc.

Copies of documentation for the Generator Maintenance bid.

FOI #17-205 - Subject - RFP #JL012717

Name - Ashley Bernett

Affiliation - Hobsons

Copy of the following records for the RFP # JL012717 Student Notes and Tracking Solution that was issued on January 27, 2017: (1) Tabulations and Score Sheets; (2) Copy of the top three responses (excluding Hobsons).

FOI #17-207 (10-21-17, 2:18 pm) - Subject - Public Cell Phone Records.

Name - Brian Coleman

Affiliation - UConn Employee

Please provide me with all text messages and or phone records including incoming and out going calls for the UConn phone 860-208-3287

FOI #17-206 (10-21-17, 2:18 pm) - Subject - Performance evaluations and disciplinary actions

Name - Brian Coleman

Affiliation - UConn Employee

Please provide me with the most recent 2 annual performance evaluations and any or all disciplinary action taken against the following classified employees. Brian Q Coleman, and 3 other library employees.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Cody Brumgard Open Minds RFP #KA050417 UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Dees First Transit UConn Storrs Complete
Patricia Williams UCPEA OACE Investigation Report UConn Storrs Complete
Kevin Dees Transportation UConn Storrs Complete
Carol Isakson Mansfield Neighborhood Preservation Group Off Campus Event Notification Forms UConn Storrs Complete
Eduardo Ortiz Title IX UConn Storrs Complete
Joseph Adamek H. O. Penn Machinery Co., Inc. Generator Maintenance Bid UConn Storrs Complete
Ashley Bernett Hobsons RFP #JL012717 UConn Storrs Premature request
Brian Coleman UConn Employee Public Cell Phone Records. UConn Storrs Complete
Brian Coleman UConn Employee Performance evaluations and disciplinary actions UConn Storrs Complete