Request Log

FOI #18-123 - Subject - Law School Faculty Salaries

Name - Angel Oquendo

Affiliation -

Salaries of all tenured and tenure-track law professors from 2016 until the present

FOI #18-122 (04-10-18, 12:24 pm) - Subject - NCAA Membership Financial Reporting form for the 2016-17 fiscal year or the most recent available year.

Name - Hunter Sharf

Affiliation - The Michigan Daily

I would like to request UConn's NCAA Membership Financial Reporting form for the 2016-17 fiscal year or the most recent available year. The athletic department should have this on file.

FOI #18-121 (04-8-18, 4:25 pm) - Subject - UCONNIC Music Festival

Name - Daniel Smith

Affiliation -

Requesting PDF copies via email of the contracts and contract riders (artist technical, production, and hospitality requirements) between UCONN and "Khalid" and "PNB Rock" who will perform as part of the UCONNIC Music Festival, as presented by the SUBOG.

FOI #18-120 (04-8-18, 8:04 am) - Subject - Police Body Camera and recordings

Name - Tamra Coleman

Affiliation - Wife of employee

Request for records from UCPD.

FOI #18-119 (04-5-18, 12:23 pm) - Subject - Construction on North Eagleville Road

Name - Vianca Diaz

Affiliation - Diana, Conti & Tunila, LLP

Pursuant to Conn. Gen. Stat. § 1-200 et seq., I am requesting an opportunity to obtain copies of public records regarding the company or companies working and/or involved in the construction occurring on or about North Eagleville Road near the Northwest and North Campus Residence Halls on 10/13/2017. Specifically, please provide as follows: a copy of any and all contracts and/or agreements with any and all companies who were working and documentation regarding the work that was performed by said company and/or companies, including, but not limited to, time logs, daily job dairies, and maps.

FOI #18-118 - Subject - Athletics Records

Name - Joseph Andrew Spears

Affiliation -

1. The equity/revenue -and-expenses report complete by the athletic department for the National Collegiate Athletic Association for the 2016 fiscal year.
2. The current contracts for the men’s and women’s basketball head coaches.
3. The current contracts for the three full-time men’s basketball assistant coaches.
4. The current contracts for the football head coach.
5. The most recent athletically related outside income reports for the five coaches listed above: the men’s and women’s basketball head coaches and the three men’s basketball assistants.

FOI #18-117 - Subject - Search Records

Name - Lindsay Jenkelunas

Affiliation - UCPEA

For the two recent searches (1) Manager of Research Laboratory Services (UCP 7), Search #2018199 and (2) Administrative Coordinator (UCP 5), Connecticut Information Technology Institute, Search #2018232 please include the following:
• The original job posting.
• The names of those who served on the search committee, and the dates of their most recent search committee training.
• Any and all recruitment qualification reports.
• Any and all applicant selection reports.
• Any and all applicant summary reports.
• Any and all candidate selection reports.
• Any and all additional materials or reports produced in relation to this search.

FOI #18-116 - Subject - Records Re: Kevin Ollie

Name - William Madsen

Affiliation - Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC

1. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the decision to initiate the procedure to terminate the employment of Kevin Ollie with the University of Connecticut.
2. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the factual basis for the "University's determination that you [Kevin Ollie] violated NCAA bylaws or otherwise engaged in behaviors that violate the terms of your Employment Agreement and the AAUP contract," as stated in the March 10, 2018 letter from David Benedict to Kevin Ollie.
3. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the factual basis for the claim in the March 10, 2018 letter from David Benedict to Kevin Ollie that "[t]he University believes that these violations include but are not limited to your[Kevin Ollie's] failure to promote compliance...."
4. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the factual basis for the claim in the March 10, 2018 letter from David Benedict to Kevin Ollie that "[t]he University believes that these violations include but are not limited to your [Kevin Ollie's]...failure to timely report instances of noncompliance...."
5. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the factual basis for the claim in the March 10, 2018 letter from David Benedict to Kevin Ollie that "[t]he University believes that these violations include but are not limited to your [Kevin Ollie's]...intentional participation in an impermissible on-campus activity with a prospective student-athlete during an official visit...."
6. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the factual basis for the claim in the March 10, 2018 letter from David Benedict to Kevin Ollie that "[t]he University believes that these violations include but are not limited to your [Kevin Ollie's]...intentional facilitation of a prohibited contact between a prospective student-athlete and a representative of the institution's athletics interests for recruiting purposes"
7. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the factual basis for the claim in the March 10, 2018 letter from David Benedict to Kevin Ollie that "[t]hese behaviors and others violate the terms of your Employment Agreement, including but not limited to Article 4, and constitute, individually and/or collectively, just cause as defined in Article 10.1 (d), and/or Article 37.12 of the AAUP contract."
8. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the employment of Kevin Ollie with the University of Connecticut during the time period from the date of his initial hire as Head Coach to the present.
9. All public records, documents, and communications relating to the recruitment and hiring of Dan Hurley by the University of Connecticut.

FOI #18-115 - Subject - Correspondence Re: Kevin Ollie

Name - Paul Doyle

Affiliation - Hearst Connecticut Media Group

All documents related to Kevin Ollie and in the possession of the UConn Athletic Department between 2017 and 2018.
This is to include but is not limited to: (1) All correspondence and documents related to Ollie and sent to the UConn Chapter of the American Association of University Professors between October 2017 and March 2018. This includes correspondence related to Ollie and received by Executive Director Michael Bailey, Associate Director David Amdur, and attorney Brian Doyle, and all correspondence sent to UConn officials and employees by Bailey, Amdur and Doyle. (2) All emails or other electronic correspondence between the parties listed above. (3) All documents and emails from any UConn official or employee to any NCAA official or employee related to the men’s basketball program and Kevin Ollie between Oct. 25, 2017 and Jan. 26, 2018. (4) All documents and emails from any NCAA official or employee to any UConn official or employee related to Ollie between Oct. 25 and Jan. 26, 2018.

FOI #18-114 - Subject - Dan Hurley Contract

Name - Andrew Noonan

Affiliation -

The most recent contract and MOU for new men's basketball coach Danny Hurley.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Angel Oquendo Law School Faculty Salaries UConn Regional Campus Complete
Hunter Sharf The Michigan Daily NCAA Membership Financial Reporting form for the 2016-17 fiscal year or the most recent available year. UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Smith UCONNIC Music Festival UConn Storrs Complete
Tamra Coleman Wife of employee Police Body Camera and recordings UConn Storrs Complete
Vianca Diaz Diana, Conti & Tunila, LLP Construction on North Eagleville Road UConn Storrs Complete
Joseph Andrew Spears Athletics Records UConn Storrs Complete
Lindsay Jenkelunas UCPEA Search Records UConn Storrs Complete
William Madsen Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC Records Re: Kevin Ollie UConn Storrs Complete
Paul Doyle Hearst Connecticut Media Group Correspondence Re: Kevin Ollie UConn Storrs Complete
Andrew Noonan Dan Hurley Contract UConn Storrs Complete