FOI #18-072 (02-26-18, 11:49 am) - Subject - Athletics
Name - Jesse Lambert
Affiliation - Student, University of Pennsylvania Law School
I am requesting data about the athletic department for the period August, 1995 - July, 2017. The fields I am requesting are listed below. For each field, I request three numbers per year: one each for the athletic department as a whole, the men's basketball program, and the football program.
The fields are:
-total revenue
-ticket sales revenue
-revenue from playing away games
-revenue from broadcast/media deals (e.g., TV, radio, internet)
-revenue from merchandising
-revenue from sponsorships
-student fees
-subsidies from the university
-salary of head coach
FOI #18-063 (02-16-18, 4:42 pm) - Subject - Athletics/NCAA documents (resubmitting with corrected info)
Name - Jeff Greer
Affiliation - Louisville Courier-Journal
Pursuant to open records laws, I am seeking any and all correspondence between the NCAA and the University of Connecticut's athletics and compliance departments and president’s offices since Sept. 26, 2017. I am additionally seeking all the correspondence, including but not limited to e-mail and electronic messages, memoranda or other documents the university has in hand related to Jonathan Brad Augustine, Marty Blazer, Merl Code, Christian Dawkins, James Gatto, Rashan Michel, Andy Miller, and/or Munish Sood.