Request Log

FOI #18-223 - Subject - Athletics Contracts

Name - Katelyn Dwyer

Affiliation - Shumaker

Copies of the current employment contracts, and all amendments thereto, for your institution's following positions:
• Head Men’s Basketball Coach
• Head Women’s Basketball Coach
• Head Football Coach
• Director of Athletics

FOI #18-222 (07-8-18, 12:25 pm) - Subject - CMHC Employee Emails

Name - Katherine Flynn

Affiliation - CMHC

UCHC emails between Dr. Destefano and Connie Weiskopf involving or concerning Katherine Flynn or Katie Flynn

FOI #18-221 (07-5-18, 11:45 pm) - Subject - 1199 Grievances and Union Tine

Name - Jennifer Davis

Affiliation -

All grievances logs for the past year, anytime an employee was paid for union business, the hours, days and employee who went of any 1199 member.

FOI #18-220 (07-5-18, 9:41 am) - Subject - Corporation Funding

Name - Pisey Kor

Affiliation -

Funding reports for the following school years based on the Freedom of Information Act:
• 2012-2013
• 2013-2014
• 2014-2015
• 2015-2016
• 2016-2017
The corporations funds that I would like to receive are from:
BASF, Bayer, DuPont, DowChemical, Monsanto, Syngenta, Tyson Foods, Cargill, Coca-Cola, and ConAgra.

FOI #18-219 - Subject - NEACUHO Emails

Name - Carolyn Komatsoulis

Affiliation -

Any emails to, copied to, or from the email address '' from January 1, 2015 up through the present.

FOI #18-218 - Subject - UCHC Policies

Name - Michael Daly

Affiliation -

Copy of any and all University of Connecticut Health Center policies, rules, regulations, or the like as concerns:
1. Request for Amendment of Health Information;
2. Personal Data, Chapter 55 of the Conn. Gen. Stat.

FOI #18-217 - Subject - Ollie/Herbst Letter

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation -

I am requesting a letter sent from Kevin Ollie/his legal team to Susan Herbst on Tuesday (6/26/18) regarding Ollie in which retractions are demanded with regard to the NCAA transcripts released through FOI last week.

FOI #18-216 - Subject - Interview Transcripts

Name - Jacques Parenteau

Affiliation - Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC

1 . The recording and the transcript of the interview with the mother of the student athlete who allegedly received a $30,000 payment from Coach Kevin Ollie as alleged by Glen Miller in the transcript date November 16, 2017 released by the University of Connecticut.
2. All recordings and the all transcripts of interviews in the possession of the University of Connecticut related to the investigation of NCAA infractions involving Kevin Ollie, whether or not relied upon by the University of Connecticut in making the decision to terminate Kevin Ollie's employment.

FOI #18-215 (06-27-18, 10:52 am) - Subject - Football Tickets

Name - Dan Brechlin

Affiliation - Hartford Courant

I am requesting the list of people who received UConn football tickets from members of the UConn football staff during the 2017 football season, in addition to who gave them those tickets and what their relationship is.

FOI #18-214 - Subject - St Petersburg Bowl 2017

Name - Tyler Wann

Affiliation - Raycom Media

This is a request under your state’s public records law for a copy of contracts your school signed with bowl game organizers for the following bowl games: St Petersburg Bowl, 12/26/2015.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Katelyn Dwyer Shumaker Athletics Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Katherine Flynn CMHC CMHC Employee Emails UConn Health Complete
Jennifer Davis 1199 Grievances and Union Tine UConn Health Complete
Pisey Kor Corporation Funding UConn Storrs Complete
Carolyn Komatsoulis NEACUHO Emails UConn Storrs Complete
Michael Daly UCHC Policies UConn Health Complete
Dan Brechlin Ollie/Herbst Letter UConn Storrs Complete
Jacques Parenteau Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC Interview Transcripts UConn Storrs Complete
Dan Brechlin Hartford Courant Football Tickets UConn Storrs Complete
Tyler Wann Raycom Media St Petersburg Bowl 2017 UConn Storrs Complete