Request Log

FOI #18-233 (07-17-18, 3:55 pm) - Subject - Judge Brett Kavanaugh

Name - Allan Blutstein, Esq.

Affiliation - America Rising Advanced Research ("AR2")

Communications *sent* by the law school dean that mention or refer to U.S. Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh from July 9, 2018 through July 13, 2018.

FOI #18-232 (07-16-18, 7:50 pm) - Subject - Any disciplinary documents signed by Dr. Destefano and or Jane Ventrella regarding Katie or Katherine Flynn

Name - Katherine Flynn

Affiliation - CMHC

Med discrepancy, page 1 report

FOI #18-231 - Subject - Athletics Contracts

Name - Jennifer Borfitz

Affiliation - Leona Marketing Group

1- Multimedia and Corporate Sponsorship Rights (Companies who are either a licensee of Sponsorship of Trademark Licensee such as Learfield Sports, Van Wagner Sports, JMI Sports, Outfront Media, IMG College, etc.)for Athletics
2- All Apparel Rights Contracts(i.e Nike, Under Armour, Adidas, etc) for the Athletics Department

FOI #18-230 - Subject - RFP #JL041217

Name - Jocelyn Dangler

Affiliation - Cornerstone OnDemand

Pricing and the RFP response from PageUp People for RFP #JL041217 .

FOI #18-229 - Subject - Hurley Contract

Name - Chandler Burks

Affiliation -

Dan Hurley's fully executed contract.

FOI #18-228 - Subject - Expenditure Information

Name - Jennie Smith

Affiliation - Acme Research

Under the Connecticut Freedom of Information Act, we formally request that your office provide us with public spending information, including both capital and operating expenditures, for payments made by or on behalf of The University of Connecticut Health Center during fiscal year 2018. Specifically, for any payee other than a regular employee or student paid a cumulative total amount of more than $5,000, we seek the payee name, address, and the cumulative total dollar amount paid to the subject payee over the relevant time period.

FOI #18-227 (07-11-18, 11:04 am) - Subject - Grade Distributions for All University Courses from Fall 2013 to Spring 2018

Name - Student Student

Affiliation - University of Connecticut

I request the grade distributions by percent and/or letter grade, for every class and instructor for the last five years at the University of Connecticut, Storrs Campus.

FOI #18-226 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - Anthony Roche

Affiliation - DocDelta

Directory information for medical students who graduated from the MD program from 2000 to 2017:
• First name, Last name
• Year of graduation
• Permanent Address
• All Telephone numbers
• All email addresses

FOI #18-225 - Subject - Certified Payroll

Name - Alexander Lovejoy

Affiliation - Robert M. Cheverie & Associates, P.C.

1. Copies of all certified payroll records for all work performed by T. Keefe & Sons on the University of Connecticut Farmington project from December 2017 through the present.
2. Copies of all payment bonds that may protect work performed for T. Keefe & Sons including any contained in any subcontracts between Fusco and United Steel and United Steel and T. Keefe.

FOI #18-224 - Subject - Lacrosse Program

Name - Safe Fekadu

Affiliation - College Crosse

Copies of any emails, attachments, or letters to or from Athletic Director David Benedict from January 1, 2018 to July 1, 2018, pertaining to the University of Connecticut adding a Division I men's and/or women's lacrosse program.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Allan Blutstein, Esq. America Rising Advanced Research ("AR2") Judge Brett Kavanaugh UConn Storrs No records available
Katherine Flynn CMHC Any disciplinary documents signed by Dr. Destefano and or Jane Ventrella regarding Katie or Katherine Flynn UConn Health Complete
Jennifer Borfitz Leona Marketing Group Athletics Contracts UConn Storrs Complete
Jocelyn Dangler Cornerstone OnDemand RFP #JL041217 UConn Storrs Complete
Chandler Burks Hurley Contract UConn Storrs Complete
Jennie Smith Acme Research Expenditure Information UConn Health Complete
Student Student University of Connecticut Grade Distributions for All University Courses from Fall 2013 to Spring 2018 UConn Storrs Clarification requested
Anthony Roche DocDelta Directory Information UConn Health Complete
Alexander Lovejoy Robert M. Cheverie & Associates, P.C. Certified Payroll UConn Health Complete
Safe Fekadu College Crosse Lacrosse Program UConn Storrs Complete