Request Log

FOI #18-263 - Subject - Directory Information

Name - Brandon Doyle

Affiliation - Knack Technologies, Inc.

1) Data requested: First name, Last name, Major, Phone Number, Email Address, Dates of Attendance, Degrees and Awards anticipated and/or received, Full and Part-Time Enrollment Status, Classification for all currently enrolled students.

2) Audience: All undergraduate and graduate students

3) Preferred file format - EXCEL and/or CSV

FOI #18-262 - Subject - Athletics Records

Name - Jacques Parenteau

Affiliation - Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC

1. Documentation of any and all rules education sessions that the institution provided Coach Ollie and the Men's Basketball staff from 2012-13 season through 2017-18 season when he was placed on paid leave (including meeting agendas, handouts, sign-in sheets, social media postings on compliance matters, orientations for staff and student athletes, compliance emails related to rules education).
2. Documentation of any and all rules education sessions that the institution provided Coach Auriemma and the Women's Basketball staff from 2012-13 season through 2017-18 season (including meeting agendas, handouts, sign-in sheets, social media postings on compliance matters, orientations for staff and student athletes, compliance emails related to rules education).
3. Documentation of any and all rules education sessions that the institution provided Coach Penders and the Men's Baseball staff from 2012-13 season through 2017-18 season (including meeting agendas, handouts, sign-in sheets, social media postings on compliance matters, orientations for staff and student athletes, compliance emails related to rules education).
4. Documentation of any and all rules education sessions that the institution provided Coach Edsall and the Men's Football staff from 2012-13 season through 2017-18 season (including meeting agendas, handouts, sign-in sheets, social media postings on compliance matters, orientations for staff and student athletes, compliance emails related to rules education).
5. Documentation of any and all discipline from UConn athletics administration related to Men's Basketball compliance issues during Coach Ollie's tenure (letters of admonishment or reprimand, suspensions, dismissals or any escalating discipline under the CBA or other UConn or conference compliance matters).
6. Documentation of any and all discipline from UConn athletics administration related to Women's Basketball, Baseball and Football compliance issues during the period of Coach Ollie's tenure dating back to his employment as an assistant coach on Coach Calhoun's staff (letters of admonishment or reprimand, suspensions, dismissals or any escalating discipline under the CBA or other UConn or conference compliance matters).
7. Documentation of any and all discipline from UConn Athletics administration related to Men's Basketball compliance issues during Coach Calhoun's entire tenure as Head Men's Basketball Coach at UConn (letters of admonishment or reprimand, suspensions, dismissals or any escalating discipline under the CBA or other UConn or conference compliance matters).
8. Any and all documentation of the institution's compliance with Appendix Two (corrective actions) of the 2011 UConn Infractions Decision involving Coach Calhoun.

FOI #18-261 - Subject - Campus Bookstore

Name - Matthew Cuccias

Affiliation - FOIA Professional Services

I am requesting copies of the following information:
1. All submitted proposals (Do not need to include proposal from Barnes and Noble)
2. Prior five completed fiscal years financial statements
3. Prior five completed fiscal year sales of textbooks and academic supplies
4. Prior five completed fiscal years sales of University licensed merchandise (all categories including soft and hard goods)

FOI #18-260 (08-21-18, 5:26 pm) - Subject - Compensation dataset

Name - Daniel Bauman

Affiliation - The Chronicle of Higher Education

1. The Chronicle requests an electronic copy of a salary/wage/compensation dataset/database for all employees who earned compensation from the University of Connecticut. The Chronicle requests the salary/wage/compensation dataset(s)/database(s) encompassing the three (3) most recently completed reporting periods (either fiscal or calendar year). For instance, at this date, if your institution tracks compensation on fiscal-year basis, and the most recent and available "fully completed" datasets/databases span fiscal years 15-16, 16-17, 17-18, we request those records. On the other hand, if your institution records compensation on calendar year basis, and the most recent and available "fully completed" datasets/databases span calendar year 2015, 2016 and 2017, we request those records.

*When you send us this dataset(s)/database(s), please note over which periods these records span.
If possible, these dataset(s) should contain, but not be limited to, the following fields: employee name (or first, last, and middle in separate fields), job code, job title, full or part time indicator (or FTE number of hours per week), department, bargaining unit, campus location (or address), college location, compensation frequency, compensation rate, original hire date, most recent hire date, appointment type, appointment term, tenure flag, tenure track flag, actual regular earnings, actual overtime earnings, actual other earnings, actual total earnings, employee ID, employee type (such as temporary, regular, seasonal, permanent, student, etc.), current status (such as active, inactive, resigned, retired, layoff, terminated, discharged),

FOI #18-259 (08-21-18, 1:35 pm) - Subject - Summary of Public Records Requests received by the University

Name - David Schnare

Affiliation - TorcastleLaw, LLC

Please advise as to whether the University keeps annual or similar summaries of public records requests made to the university, and if so, please provide copies of such summaries for the past five years.

FOI #18-258 (08-21-18, 10:15 am) - Subject -

Name - Katherine Flynn

Affiliation - CMHC

All requests for incident reports by Dr. Destefano. All incident reports following those requests.

FOI #18-257 (08-21-18, 10:15 am) - Subject -

Name - Katherine Flynn

Affiliation - CMHC

All emails between Dr. Destefano and Jeffery Stamp regarding Katie Flynn.

FOI #18-256 - Subject - Osborne Correctional Inst. Staff

Name - Joshua Smith

Affiliation -

Request for available public records regarding medical staff at Osborn Correctional Institution.

FOI #18-255 (08-20-18, 11:11 am) - Subject - Storrs Horse named Liberty Purchaser

Name - Gilberto Sosa

Affiliation -

This request is to disclose information related to the sale of a horse named Liberty. In summary, I would like to know information related to the purchaser of such horse.

FOI #18-254 (08-17-18, 12:15 pm) - Subject - NCAA revenue/expenses reports

Name - Aaron Beard

Affiliation - Associated Press (Raleigh, NC)

I am writing to make a public records request regarding the school’s revenue and expenses report filed annually to the NCAA.

Specifically, I’m requesting the five most recent years for the revenue and expenses report submitted by the school to the NCAA. This should be a single document for each year that is in possession of your athletic department.

Please confirm you have received this request and let me know if you have any additional questions. In addition, please contact me if there are charges associated with this request beyond $20.

I am happy to receive the information electronically.

Name Affiliation Subject Location Request Status
Brandon Doyle Knack Technologies, Inc. Directory Information UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
Jacques Parenteau Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC Athletics Records UConn Storrs Complete
Matthew Cuccias FOIA Professional Services Campus Bookstore UConn Storrs Complete
Daniel Bauman The Chronicle of Higher Education Compensation dataset UConn Storrs Request withdrawn
David Schnare TorcastleLaw, LLC Summary of Public Records Requests received by the University UConn Storrs Complete
Katherine Flynn CMHC UConn Health No records available
Katherine Flynn CMHC UConn Health Complete
Joshua Smith Osborne Correctional Inst. Staff UConn Health Complete
Gilberto Sosa Storrs Horse named Liberty Purchaser UConn Storrs Complete
Aaron Beard Associated Press (Raleigh, NC) NCAA revenue/expenses reports UConn Storrs Complete