FOI #18-303 (10-2-18, 11:12 am) - Subject - Comey Contract
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - UCTV News
Looking for the contract between the University of Connecticut and former FBI Director James Comey to speak on Monday, October 15 as part of the Edmund Fusco Contemporary Issues Forum.
FOI #18-302 - Subject - Former Employee Attendance Records
Name - Charles Ward
Affiliation -
Former employee attendance for the last 5 years to include vacation, IL's, PL's, sick, sick family, any unpaid days, FLMA days and who they were taken for.
FOI #18-299 (09-25-18, 8:59 pm) - Subject - On-Campus Hockey Rink RFEI
Name - Student Student
Affiliation - The Daily Campus
In the spring of 2018 I submitted FOI #18-127 pertaining to the RFEI for development of an ice rink or ice rink renovation on the UConn Storrs campus. I would like to resubmit the request for all responses to the RFEI and any internal communications among University Development Officials and/or athletic administrators about progress towards a new or renovated ice rink on campus.
FOI #18-298 (09-25-18, 8:28 pm) - Subject - Gym Usage Data
Name - Student Student
Affiliation -
I am requesting all usage data accumulated in the usage of the Student Recreation Facility in the 2017-2018 and 2018-2019 school. Specifically I would like measurements of use by date and time frames.
Additionally, I would like a description of the process used to measure usage and how the data is collected.
Lastly, I would like any data and internal communications used and referenced in the decision making process to adjust the hours of the student recreation facility from last semester's to the present set.
1. Any and all candidate pool grids (including notes)
2. Any and all telephone interview grids (including notes)
3. Any and all personal interview grids (including notes)
4. A copy of application materials, including resume, for all candidates chosen to be part of the pool
5. A copy of any and all offer letters associated with this search.
FOI #18-296 (09-25-18, 10:52 am) - Subject - Current Staff Listings
Name - Brian Coleman
Affiliation - Retired Employee
Please provide me the actual public staff listings(contact lists) as of (9-24-2018) for the following Departments on the Storrs Campus.
Uconn Library
UCONN Human resources
UCONN Police Department
UCONN Provost Office
UConn Labor relations.
FOI #18-295 - Subject - School of Business Comp Time
Name - Jacques Parenteau
Affiliation - Madsen, Prestley & Parenteau, LLC
All documents that reflect approval of compensatory time for Melissa Burk for the time period between July 1, 2017 and April 1, 2018 including, but not limited to, approvals by any person in the office of the Dean of the School of Business.